Chapter 7: The beginning of so-long

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"Mum! Mum! It's my birthday! When are we going to mamaw's?"

Roman scurried out of his bedroom, and into the living room.

"We're going at 2:00."

Rinaldo replied to him. It was currently 11:48. Roman ran back into his room, and began to play with his little sister, Lizzy.

"Hey dad, what are we going to do with that potion we got?"

Hazel walked out of her room.

"Not sure. It says that it's safe to drink, and it looks harmless, do you want to try it? Apparently it's a free sample test from the science labs. They did mention that we could get some cash for doing this."

Rinaldo replied back. He was sitting on the new sofa, it was a light baby blue color, and felt like laying on non-sticky cotton candy. Hazel plopped down next to him, playing around on her phone.

"Hm, maybe. Can I take a look at it?"

"Sure. It's in the cabinet,"

Hazel sat up and pushed herself off the couch. She walked into the dining room, opened the bottom cabinet, and pulled out the potion. It was a glowy pink color, and it sat in a rectangular bottle, nearly full. She was reminded of witches, from cartoons. They created colorful potions out of the simple dish, known as a pot. Hazel popped off the iconic whisk and waved the smell to her face, and smelled it.

Smells like.. Nothing?

Hazel didn't see anything suspicious about the potion, so she tipped the bottle over and sipped it. The potion tasted like water, fresh water. Hazel took a slightly larger drink. Then she took the potion to her father.

"Seems normal. Want to try?"

"I guess. Hopefully there's no milk related products inside. What's it taste like?"

"Just water. But, fresh water."

"Alright, Hazel."

Rinaldo grabbed the bottle from Hazel's hand, and took a drink.
"Weird, you'd think it'd have a taste. See if Nick or Alice wants some."


Hazel walked out of the dining room, into Nick's room.

"Hey Nick, stop unpacking for a second."

"What is it?"

"My dad wants you to try this."

"Uhh.. Ok?"

Nick also grabbed the bottle and took a light drink.
"That's nice and fresh. What is it?"

"The local lab made a new potion. They are giving out 500 dollars to people who try it out."

"That's cool. I wonder if they will make any magic Bey-Blades. Ha."

"Is that all you care about?"

"No. Can I unpack now?"

"Fine, fine."

Hazel walked out of Nick's room, and walked into the master bedroom, where Alice was helping Amanda put batteries inside her lamps.

"Do you guys wanna try this? My dad wants you to."

"Since my dad wants you to, I just told you, but really only if you want. You can also try it if you want, Amanda."

"I will. Let me get these stupid batteries in this light."

"Okay. Alice, you want some?"

"Only a sip. I don't know what it is."

"Kay, here you go."

Hazel handed the potion to Alice, Alice smelled it, and looked at it.


Alice took a small sip, and placed it on the bed, for Amanda to try.
"Amanda, you can try now."

"Alright then,"

Amanda lifted herself off the floor, picked up the bottle, and drank almost all of it.

"No taste?"


Hazel grabbed the potion from Amanda's hand and walked into the hallway. Lizzy, who was in her room, glanced at the potion and came running outside.

"I want to try!"

"Are you sure, Lizzy?"

"Yes! Yes!"

"Ok. Roman, would you like some?"



Lizzy snatched the bottle out of Hazel's hand, and drank the last of it, which was only a little dose.

"Yuck. Just water!"

"It's not that bad. You need to start drinking more water anyway."

Before Hazel could say any other words, Lizzy ran back into her room.

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