coach's cousin.

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ONE thing everyone should know is that Levi Ackerman is a scary person.

He may be 5'3 but if you get one his bad you might as well you're funeral ready. 

Eren knew that doing anything against his wishes would not result in his life being shortened but would also result in him getting kicked off the Pardis Basketball team. 

The one thing he took very seriously. 

So what made him think it was a good idea to flirt and secretly see the coach's cousin, Mikasa Ackerman. 

" Ereh I told you already sneaking around isn't a good idea, what if Levi catches us" 

" If you knew it was a bad idea, why do you still agree on doing it" he smirked walking closer to her. 

Mikasa rolled her eyes walking past him a bit " I'm being serious" 

" So am I, look Mikasa I-" he was cut off by the bell ringing 

" That's the bell," Mikasa said grabbed her stuff, " I'll see you later Eren," she said kissing his cheek before leaving.

Eren stood there, his face turning heating up it wasn't the first time Mikasa kissed him but still never failed to leave him flustered. 

" OI BRAT SHOULDN'T YOU BEE IN CLASS" a voice yelled at him making him flinch knowing exactly who it was.

" GOING RIGHT NOW SIR" He yelled back


Eren rolled his eyes and grabbed the rest of his stuff and made his way to his next-period class; Science with Hanji Zoe. It was a surprisingly easy class and that came from someone who never pays attention. 

He made his way to the lab where he had a class that day and took a seat near the back taking his phone out of his pocket and seeing he got a message from Mikasa. 

you free after 

what happened to 
" it's too risky what if levi
catches us" 

shut up and 
answer the question 

ouch since
you asked so 
nicely yes i am

great meet 
me at the
back libary 

what about youre
overprotective midget

don't worry about him
he's leaving early apparently 
the midget has a date

my money is on 
hanji she's the only
person who isn't afraid
of him 

don't you have 
her right now 

well yeah- 

then pay attention
in class 

yes ma'am 

Eren smiled and put his phone back, he was 95% sure Mikasa felt the same why else would she lecture him about it being risky and if Levi caught them but continue to agree to meet him. It was hard enough not to flirt with her when she came to practices and it would drive him crazy if he couldn't see her at all. 

He remembered the first time he saw her was in the hallway on the way to his class and that was it, or so he thought. 

She showed to practice that day practically yelling at Levi for something, which lead to a good ten-minute argument between them. He honestly was confused why she was arguing with him since almost everyone feared Levi, but he had to admit it made her look really hot.

Of course, he mentally slapped himself for thinking that after he told everyone she was his cousin meaning he had little to zero chance of getting with her. 

But here he was flirting and meeting up with her whenever he had the chance to, in secrecy of course knowing Levi he would probably kick him off the team and give him detention for the rest of the year he found out. 

" ALRIGHT PHONES AND NOTES AWAY TEST TIME" Hanji yelled earning a collective "ugh" and "shits" from everyone, including Eren. 

"The one day I don't study with Armin" he muttered putting his stuff away.


Where is he Mikasa said to herself leaning against the wall and glancing at her watch. It was bad enough they were non-officially dating behind her cousin's back but showing up late was just annoying.

The things I do for this idiot.

" HEY MIKASA" She turned around and saw him walking towards her so casually as if he wasn't seven minutes.

" You're late," she said crossing her arms, not looking at him.

" I'm sorry but it wasn't my fault I ran into Jean who ended up talking about something I wasn't paying attention to and then got lectured by you're midget cousin for yelling earlier as if he didn't do it first" 

Mikasa sighed " but not Levi hear you say that" 

" Anyway now that we're here what do you wan" he was cut off by Mikasa's lips being on his. Taking a second to process what was happening he kissed back.

She pulled away, leaving a little to almost no room between them " you talk too much you know" she softly said.

He chuckled " in that case you should shut me up more often" reconnecting their lips once again. 

ENCHANTED, attack on titanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon