the one thing she needed.

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MIKASA thought she had everything she wanted. 

She was smart, beautiful, came from a wealthy family, and overall lived a comfortable lifestyle everyone would dream of having. 

Once she turned sixteen she realized that she wasn't happy, but not in the sense she was sad. Something was missing in her life but she couldn't figure out what. 

What could someone with everything find missing in their life. 

That's when she met him. 

He was a carefree troublemaker, popular with the ladies at the collage and the full 'life of a party'. 

She hated him at first not cause he always flirted and tried to get her attention, she hated that it actually worked. She hated how his stupid smirk gave her butterflies, his small compliments like "you're pretty" make her blush and smile. 

Most of all she hated how she was in love with him. 

It was late at night almost midnight and she was wide awake with her thoughts, when she heard a knock on her window. 

" What are you doing here" she whispered - yelled 

" Seeing you I wanted to show you something" he replied 

" You have an idea what time it is" 

" Obviously so you coming or not" 

Letting her curiosity get the best of her, Mikasa sighed in defeat " I'll meet you at the front door" 

He smirked " I knew you would agree"

Quietly making her way downstairs and the front door she quickly wrote a note that she went out for fresh air incase anyone wondered where she went. 

She opened the front the door where she was saw him and closed it quietly. 

" This better be worth it Eren" she said giving him a stern look. He chuckled and taking her hand " trust me it is" 

It was the middle of spring meaning it wasn't as cold but it wasn't hot. The  light cool breeze hit her bare shoulders making her slightly shudder. He noticed and took his hoodie off and placed it on her shoulders.

" thank you" 

The two walked for a rough five minutes before coming to a stop at what seemed like the almost top of a a hill. 

" Close you're eyes" 

She gave him a ' are you serious' look which he responded with a 'trust me' look making her give in and close her eyes. 

After a few seconds she heard him say " you can open them now" and she did and gasped at the sight in front of her. 

The sky clear and only lit up with a shining moon and thousands and thousands of stars. This wasn't something you saw living in an area with so much building and to her this was her childhood dream coming true right in front of her. 

" I'm gonna take that you like it" 

Mikasa turned to him, her face still with pure shock and awe " like it? Eren I love it how'd you know" 

He laughed and walked closer to her, moving her hair to the side and smiled "  what type of guy would I be if I didn't know what the girl I loved dream since she was five would be"

Mikasa couldn't help but slightly smile at the boy in front of her. She knew he liked her ( he didn't bother making it a secret ) but she thought it was normal collage crush, until now that is. He really loved her it was obvious and she had finally decided to be honest with herself. 

" You love me" she said softly looking at him

" Love would be an understatement, but yeah I am" 

She smiled and leaned in giving a quick but sweet kiss " I love you too" 

And that moment she realized that one thing she was missing in her life was Eren. He made her feel the craziest things, do the craziest thing but most of all she never needed a reason to be happy when she was with him. 

He loved her and she loved him and that was worth more than anything you could buy and  enough for her.

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