what is love ( mikasa pov )

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LOVE is cruel. 

It breaks you, rips you, hurts you. 

Love is one those beautiful feelings with a tragic reality, a delicate feeling but so fragile that it could break easily if not handled with care. 

It's like a winter snowfall so beautiful until the dark storm comes around. 

I like to think of it as an ocean. 

Beautiful to look at from afar, but once you actually go in it gets deeper and deeper it get's harder and harder to float and not drown, unless if you know how to swim. 

But love can also beautiful. 

After a serve thunderstorm the rainbow that shines after.

It's looking at the simplicity of everyday things, the beauty of the hard rain, the dark and cold day's feeling warm and comforting. 

Those things don't come easily though. You have find that one thing or person to help you see it. 

For me it was him. 

He's reckless, outgoing, but he was always able or try to see the beauty in everything. 

I don't know why I'm writing this in a English assignment but might as well since it seems fitting. 

If I had one person to thank for helping me see this cruel world, another aspect of love it would be Eren. 

The thought of love always scared me, getting to close to them and than leaving them, maybe it had something in my past life that makes me think that or just a general fear.

Whatever it was meeting him change all that. 

Maybe it was the way he had that stupid smirk whenever he teases me, or that soft smile when he looks at me ( according to Armin ) or how his hugs feel like home and feel like the safest place on earth. 

Whatever it was I was in love with him. 

Because of him the cold winter nights didn't feel so cold but more so warm and cozy.

His embrace was the best feeling in this world making me never want to let go. 

His smile of reassurance and words made me feel like things were going to be okay, even if they were far from getting better.

The little things like hugs from behind, good morning and goodnight messages. Saying things like "that's my girl" "I'm proud of you" " did you eat today" "you okay?" are enough to make me forgot and function properly and feel some other type of feeling I can't explain. 

When he gives me and calls stupid nicknames with that stupid ( but hot )  smirk it gives me butterflies, making me feel like a middle school girl sitting on the roof with crush. 

Love is a cruel thing, but with the right person it can be beautiful.

authors note!!
 like I  promised here's
part two with mikasa
perspective. part three/ final
part will most likely
be up latest by tomorrow
anyways i love you guys sm
take care and stay safe <3

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