begin again.

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please don't ever become a stranger
whose laugh I could recognize anywhere

THROUGHOUT you're life you meet different people. 

The saying goes, some will be a blessing while others will be a lesson. If that's true I had a lot of lessons and only a  few blessing in my life.

I guess the biggest thing I learned was not to get close or attached with because once you do and they end up leaving, it ends up leaving you thinking what did I do wrong. 

If only I learnt that before I turned 20 and started dating him, he was about nine year's older than me but that didn't matter.  If I learned that he really didn't care then maybe I wouldn't be alone  without him on my  21st birthday. My dad use to say it was supposed to be fun turning 21, I guess he was wrong. 

We only dated for three months but that didn't change my feelings that I really did love him.

A year passed and I found myself slowly going back to normal. I spent my 22nd birthday will female friends and later on with the rest later that night. 

For the first time in my life I actually felt that maybe things are gonna be okay. 

I'm now 23 and even though the idea of short- lived romance I had with him occurred from time to time I was to feel like I could move on and find a guy who liked me for me.

And not some guy who had this fictional standard idea of me that makes me wonder who she was. 

I got off work early today and decided to head to a popular café downtown. I walked in and the smell of fresh coffee and baked goods being the first thing I smell. 

I order my usual medium coffee and a Boston cream donut and take a seat down by one of the windows, taking out my laptop to do my work. It was only Wednesday  and they're wasn't many people hear so it wasn't as loud as usual. 

I start on my work as I wait for the order to arrive, frantically typing away on my keyboard. I found that once I have my idea and thought process flowing typing them away right away is the best thing I could so I don't loose them. 

" Here's you drink and donut miss"  the waiter says placing it on my table

I thank them and take a small sip of the coffee to avoid burning my tongue again and continue the rest of my work. 

An hour pasts and I find myself almost done with my work, which was pretty rare as it usually takes me a good two to three at least, I guess luck was on my side. 

Slightly pushing my laptop away from me I rest my head on the palm of my hand and look out the window. 

It was dark and cloudy. It started raining half and hour ago and was thankfully not as bad mostly light drops. 

I always found this type of weather calm and comforting. 

I was so focused on the view outside that she didn't notice someone sit across her. 

" Excuse me" a male voice said snapping me out of my trance. 

I looked to the voice and immediately felt something come over me . 

He was wearing a dark green dress shirt that had few of the buttons opened from the top, he his hair was put in a half bun and he had stunning green eyes. 

" You're Mikasa right" he spoke again, I nodded and he slid over a paper with my name on it " figured it sounded like a girl name and you're the only girl here, anyways you dropped that so I wanted to give it back" 

I smile at him " thank you I'm surprised I didn't notice it fell guess all that coffee earlier made my brain sleep" 

He lets out a small laugh catching me off guard for a second. In my past relationship my ex never thought I was funny, calling my jokes 'lame' or 'boring', but here I am making the man in front of laugh.

" Well that makes sense" he replied " by the way I'm Eren" "Mikasa but you kind of figured that out already". 

" So Mikasa" he starts, for some reason I feel butterflies when he says my name, it comes of so smoothly and just sounds right. " you come here often?"

I shrug and close my laptop moving it to the side by my bag " sometimes I try to whenever I have free time or need to finish my work".

He nods and leans back on the chair, resting one arm on top of the chair " I see so are you busy often?" 

" Not really I mean I have the weekend free, why" 

I saw the small smile play on his face as the next words came out of him mouth " you wanna maybe hang out than, you're really pretty but I really would wanna get to know you more" 

I stay quiet for a second, trying to register what just happen. Logically agreeing to hang out with someone you just met wouldn't be the smartest idea.

" Sure why not" I reply feeling myself smile as soon as I see the smile on his face. 

" Great uh you think I could have you're number" he asked, " sure it's xxx-xxx-xxxxx".

" Alright great I actually have to go now before my boss murders me" he laughs getting up " I'll text you later and after work" I smile at him and nod " sure". 

As I watch him leave and feel my mood brighten up by who know how much. 

It was a  regular Wednesday in café as I watched my love life begin again and I couldn't wait to see what this when was gonna be. 

One thing for sure she didn't want him to be a stranger whose laugh she would be able to recognize anywhere.

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