my girl.

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VALENTINES day shopping for you're girlfriend of almost three years shouldn't be struggle. You know what she likes and doesn't like, it should be fairly simple and stress free. 

Which is why Eren feels like he's gonna scream in stress and potentially get himself kicked out and lectured by his blonde friend.

" What the fuck do you get a girl who really has everything and no don't say a scarf cause we both know what happened last time"

Armin looked at the man bun brunette who just so happens to be his best friend  and shrugged " Eren you're her BOYFRIEND you should know" 

" Yeah I know and that's the frustrating part" he sighed leaning back on the wall. 

" What being her boyfriend?"

" No being her boyfriend and not know what to get her"

Their was a few second period of silence between with two with only the sound of other people in store talking and the ringing of the cash register. 

" What did you get Annie anyways" Eren asked. 

Armin and Annie had been dating for almost five years now, which took Mikasa and Eren by surprised since they thought he wouldn't get a girlfriend till way later and the fact he was dating Annie ( not that they had anything against her ) made it even more surprising, but hey stranger things have happen. 

" An engagement ring" he whispered hoping Eren didn't hear but to his luck he did. 

" YOU'RE PURPOSING?!" He yelled out. 

" No I'm breaking up with her, of course I'm purposing what else is an engagement ring for"  

" Damn Armin that's just, what gives not that I'm against it"

" I mean we've been dating for almost five years and  it had to happen sooner or later plus I really want to spend the rest of my life with her" the blonde replied slightly blushing. 

" Well good luck dude" 

Suddenly Eren thought of something that somehow didn't occur to him before, the perfect Valentines day gift and wouldn't even cost him a single coin. 

" I think I know what I'm gonna give her" he smiled. 


After checking the whole house and making sure his girlfriend wasn't home, Eren took a seat at the dining table with a paper and pen in his hand and started writing. 

He knew that writing something like this was out of character to him, but as of right now he didn't care, it was for the girl he loved more than life itself and for her he would die a thousand deaths. 

To my amazing girlfriend, Mikasa

God where do I start, you're honestly just perfect. Everything about you amazes me and not a day goes by where you're not on my mind. 

I was an asshole in the past and really confused how you still managed to STILL love me dispite that, I have no idea what I did to deserve you.

You're beautiful, you're beauty is just out of this world and you being an Ackerman ( hopefully soon Yegaer ) and being a badass really isn't a bad mix, if anything makes you 100x hotter. 

We've been together for almost three years now and it's been the best years of my life, and I know I get you something every Valentines day but this year I wanted to try something different. 

I don't think I say it as much as I should but I really love you, more than life itself. I can't thank you for the amount of times you saved my reckless ass from dying, for being by side through all of it, defending me when I didn't deserve it and more importantly loving me when I felt I didn't deserve it. 

Thank you for being my girl through all of it and I promise one of these days I'll make you my fiance than wife and later the mother of our future children ( as soon as I find a way to convince Levi ). 

Happy Valentines day 🤍

With love, Eren

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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