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HE admired her from a distance. 

Watching her laugh and smile with others. The lingering feeling of wishing it was him made her laugh instead of the other guy. 

But he knows that won't happen. He never stood a chance with her, compared to others. 

She was beautiful, popular, smart with a heart of gold, it was no wonder so many people liked her. 

Meanwhile, he was the opposite- loner, cold-hearted, not letting anyone in. 

They were polar opposites, as different as the day is from night and fire and ice. 

Her fire melted his cold heart, the sunshine personality gave him a reason to wake up, she gave him a whole new perspective of life - no she gave him a reason to live. 

But she didn't know that and it pained him that he would never be able to tell her.  

All the times he felt near the edge, wanting to end it all a simple smile from her stopped. The day she had found him on verge of breaking down, she had let him break down and vent to her, taking a huge weight off his shoulders. 

From that day she would come up to him ask him "how are you" where he would simply reply "I'm fine" earning be honest look from her to which he would smile and say " trust me I'm fine" 

It was no doubt, Eren Yeager was hopelessly in love with Mikasa Ackerman and she was completely oblivious to it.

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