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So I'm in the computer room and I got angry and I start destroying the computers with my keyblade even doe they wasn't real. So I proceed to the next room. So I ran in and summon my keyblade and 4 dusks appeared so I defeated the dusks and axel appeared thru the dark corridor "Simply amazing Roxas! Axel said. Axel I said. You really do remember my name I'm SO FLATTERED! He shouted so flames surrounded us But it's too late! He exclaimed so I summoned both of my keyblades two?! He said so he Summoned his two chakrams so we battle and I won out...

"If you get on their bad side they'll destroy you" he said "No one would miss me" I said carelessly walking away "That's not true... I would he muttered Axel I said lets meet again in the next life he said yeah I'll be waiting I said silly just because you have a next life he said fading into the dark corridor. so I thought then proceed so I saw pods and I saw Hono's friends ...Tariq? ...Paris? so I move on til I reached the last room and I saw DiZ so I walked up to him at last the keyblade's chosen one he said who are you talking to me? Or Hono? I asked to half of hono of course you reside in darkness what I need is someone who can move about the realm of light and destroy Organization XIII he said. Why? Who are you? I asked. I am a servant of the world. Hahahahaha he laughed. And, if I'm a servant, then you should consider yourself a tool, at best. So I got mad was that... Was that supposed to be a joke? 'Cause I'm not laughing! So I ran to attack him and it went thru him. My apologies. This is only a data-based projection. So I screamed so I viciously attack the hologram finally I got exhausted and he disappeared. So he reappeared behind me. Come over here he said so I turned around...

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