Minxie Birthday

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Sorry... Needed to say that .__. Anyway, after this chapter.... BOM, BOM, BOM!!! Comes the chunin exams. I'm sure you're wondering...

Who is Minxie fighting!? Yeah, Yeah... It's a big mystery... But I've got it all planned out.


Story Start::

"So Kimi told me to keep Minxie distracted for the whole day while they get the stuff ready for her birthday party.

"So, you keep Minxie away from the house for as long as you can, okay? And make sure she doesn't think anything's up," she directed to me. ugh! I groaned. To myself. See, we all planned to throw Minxie a surprise birthday party, which is why I insisted on getting her out the house. The entire gang is gonna meet up here while you keep her occupied and get ready for the party. Now, I know Minx isn't a fan of celebrating her own birthday. But I am, so she'll have to deal with it.

"I know. Is she ready yet?" I inquired boredly. So her eye twitched at me.

"She's gonna be here in a second! Just do whatever it is Duck-Butts do when they're waiting!" She said waving her hand dismissively as she walked towards the stairs. "Oh, and Uchiha?" She called.

So I looked up at her raising an eyebrow. "What?" I responded.

"There's one more thing... If you break Minxie's heart, I'll break your face!" She said cheerfully, waving and smiling at me.

"I wish you try, I maybe cool but this boy has a lot of hidden power in him wait til the chunin exam," I thought so Kimi walked upstairs then Minxie came downstairs and I intertwined my hand with hers. "let's go boo, I said smiling at her.

"Ok Duck-Butt," She replied smiling back.

Minxie's POV

"Hm... You're a question mark," I said, looking up at Hono. I was laying down across his lap, the bottom half of my body on the sofa.

"Which means?" He said raising a fine black eyebrow as his expression turned sour. Why is he acting- Oh, that's right. I called him a question mark... And he thinks I'm insinuating that he's slightly curvy.

"Not that way! I mean... You're like a mystery. I've never been able to figure you out," I explained, getting a thoughtful look on my face.

"Hn... The same goes for you," He muttered.

"Are you kidding? I'm an open book," I said, and he shrugged.

Then, I got an idea. "All right. Your favorite color?" I asked looking up at Hono.

He sighed. "Is this really necessary?" He inquired.

"Yes! I mean, when you look at it, we don't exactly know that much about each other. And I appreciate my boyfriend not being a mystery to me," I said blinking my eyes at him.

Fine... Dark blue. Yours?" He asked boredly.

"Emerald green," I answered. "Favorite food? If you say rice... I might just facepalm."

He smirked. "That's where you're wrong. Macaroni and Tomatoes are actually my favorite food. Yours?"

"It's between spaghetti and pizza! Although you've probably never heard of pizza..."

"Right, I haven't. Thirsty? He asked. I eyed him weirdly, but I nodded, moving over so he could get up. He returned with two soda cans, handing me one. I sat up, starring at him as I tried to figure out what was wrong with him. He was acting way to nice for my taste here.

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