Training neva been so epic/annoying

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So she was moving in the air finally and Kakashi smiled at her.

"Great job, Minxie. Now we can-"

"WAIT! I NEED TO DO SOMETHING FIRST!" She interrupted, so we looked at her raising our eyebrows. So she start running in the sky.

"What the... What are you doing?" I asked gain a major eye twitch.

"I'm doing the running man in the air...Duh," she replied. And there goes my day epic then annoying asf. So I'm watching t.v and listening to Pass the Reefa by K-Camp on my IPhone while trying to ignore the fangirls on doorstep. So I heard a commotion outside my door and I heard Minxie, Ino, and Sakura voice so I hurried up and let her in.

"Eep!" She squeaked, as I shut the front door.

"You just had to pick today to come over, didn't you?" I asked boredly, shaking my head.

"I didn't know that there'd be fangirls making a line outside your door! Don't blame me! And you just can't be gentle with the whole pulling me into your house thing? Seriously, people might think you're a rapist," she said honestly, rubbing her head.

"I saved you from fangirls and you call me a rapist?" I asked, scoffing and shaking my head at her.

"Right. Death by fangirls is terrible. They might dress me in a pink, fluffy skirt and make me play with Barbie dolls,"she said, shuddering.

I smirked. "Still What's the big ideal about today? Are they celebrating the anniversary of when your hair started to look like a duck's butt?" She asked curiously.

"It's always looked like that, bonehead... And today isn't anything special," I said walking over to the couch.

"Oh don't worry about me! I can so get up by myself since you just so rudely away," she assured in a sarcastic tone.

"Hn... Whatever, dunce. Did you want something?" I inquired boredly while changing the channels.

So she sat next to me on the couch. "I was bored and lonely in my house, since everyone decided to have plans without me... And BAM! I showed up here!" She explained brightly.

"How'd you even find out where I live? I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I stalked you!" She said an a creepy voice. "Nah, I'm kidding. I'm not a stalker. Not an official one, anyway. I just figured since you're an Uchiha... You'd live in the Uchiha Compound..."

"Hn... So maybe you're not a brainless dunce after all," I said casually.

"You're so avoiding the subject here... What's today? Because if it really is the anniversary of your hair turning all Duck-Butt, I want to celebrate!" She said, smiling at me.

"I already told you that it's nothing important," I replied.

"Fangirls are lined outside your door, more rabid and crazed than usual... I think there's something going on," she said.

"Trust me, it's nothing for you to worry about. Just shut up and watch t.v." I replied.

"But... But you pick suckish channels! Let me get the remote."she said holding out her hand patiently for the remote.

So I looked at her and scoffed. "It's my house, so it's my remote. You'll just have to watch whatever I pick." I said.

"Your channel choice sucks, man! Give me the remote!" She exclaimed. So I held it up so she got on her knees while on the couch and tackle me. Trying to reach for the remote.

"Duck-Butt! This is so unfair!" She whined so she on top of me and I had the remote over my head.

"No. You'll have to fight for it," I said smirking at her.

Uchiha Prodigy: HonozaiWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu