Chunin Exams / First Exams

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So I sat on the couch start changing the channel and I looked out the corner of my eye she was mad at me. "What?" I inquired raising an eyebrow. "I wanna sit there," she said. So I just starred at her. "You're joking?" I asked. "No I wanna sit there," she replied. It's my house so no," I replied simply. So I didn't expect her to sit in my lap but she did. "I can't see the t.v," I told her. "So move," she retorted. "Hn... Alright then," I said simply. But she didn't expect me to do what I was about to do. A moment later I pushed her off my lap and she fell on the floor. "Oww is that how you treat your girlfriends?" She inquired angrily. I smirked at that. No you was in my way and no," I replied. So she stood up and sat beside me. "So you don't have a girlfriend," she inquired raising an eyebrow. "No," I replied. So you never had a girlfriend?" She inquired again. "Once again no," I muttered. Don't worry I can be your girlfriend," she muttered moving my bangs behind my ear. "Whatever um not looking for a girlfriend right now," I replied blushing and moving away from her and besides I gotta go train later. "What about the fangirls at your door," she retorted "I'll survive and you the one who need to be careful cuz they mad I let you in," I replied. "Oh yeah so I heard the fangirls so I went upstairs followed by Minxie so we jump out my window behind my house. So we walk thru the village til we headed toward the forest then we heard confrontation so we ran at the direction of the confrontation. So we arrived on the scene to see a guy around our age but a little older holding Konohamaru by his collar threatened him so Minxie walked up to him. Just when the sand guy went to raise his fist I picked up a stone and threw it at him. So the stone hit him in the face and he dropped Konohamaru and Minxie confronted him. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size,"she yelled with her hands on her hips. "Tell me why you picking on Konohamaru?" She asked standing straight. "Because he slammed into me and what you gonna do pretty little midget," he taunted. So Minxie glared at him you're pressing all the wrong buttons and why don't you pick on someone your own size. "Oh, really, Like who," he said smirking. So Minxie kicked him in the knee and he crouched to her height and winced in pain. "Like me, now we're the same height,"she said smiling sweetly at him. Damn it. I bet you two think you're smart, how about you come down from that tree little squirrel and we're settle this properly," he said eyeing me and Minxie while detaching and weird shape thing from his back. "Kankuro Don't tell me you're gonna use the crow!" Temari exclaimed. "Kankuro don't," a sensual voice said. "G-Gaara," Kankuro stuttered sweating. "I knew that suit would get to him," I thought then I looked at Minxie she was confused a lil but all that changed when she saw that red haired creep appeared on a tree branch instead of becoming scared she was blushing! Wtf is going on she like this creep. It annoys me to see you loose yourself in a quarrel with children, has the reason we're here slipped from your mind," Gaara said cooly then Minxie blushing and again which I got angry a lil but calm quickly after noticing. B-But they started it, he slammed into me," Kankuro stuttered again sweating like crazy. "Shut up or I'll kill you," Gaara said simply. "Kankuro already dying from that suit then Gaara threatened to kill him so easily I gotta toughen up more," I thought. "Yeah I was way out of line!" Kankuro said putting his arms in the air surrendering. "Yeah... s-sorry Gaara," Temari said stuttering sounding equally at blame as Kankuro. "I know we're early but this isn't a game weren't here to play around," Gaara said. "Right I swear it won't happen again," Kankuro promised. "Alright let's go," Gaara said So Minxie saw me looked at Gaara and she did the same still blushing ugh well I was wondering how strong he was cuz I wanna fight him but not now since I really don't know him yet. Soon as they were about to leave Anzu said sum "Wait," she shouted so they stopped. "I know you're not from here but if you're in our area you have to state your business," she said. "Damn this girl stupid she tryna get us killed," I thought. So Minxie looked at me when I stepped up beside her. "Hey you what's your name?" I asked Gaara. W-Who me? Temari stuttered blushing. I guess she thought I wanna get to know her after she told us about the chunin exam. "No I'm talking to the spook beside you," I replied. Out the corner of my eye Minxie scowled maybe because I called her crush a spook like IGAF about him. "Gaara of the desert at your service," he replied coldly and you. "Honozi Uchiha," I replied smirking. "And you," he said looking at Minxie. "You mean me?" Anzu said voice raised alarmingly. "No I'm talking to the brunette," he said "Minxie she said her voice squealed. "oh god," I thought so later they left then I disappeared quickly so I won't have to listen to they stupid ass. So I walked though the village longly asf and cuz I wanna be so I made my way to the training ground then Minxie join a second later. "What you doing here?" I inquired softly. "To talk to you," she retorted. "Hn... bout wat?" I inquired again. turning away from her. "Still with the short sentences like duckbutt," she said walking toward me. "So wat." I replied. "What's wrong Hono?" she asked. So I took a deep breath. "I gotta train for the chunin exam I said. "Then I'll train with you," she said. So Kakashi sensei walked up to us "Hono, Minx meet me outside the village tomorrow I gotta train you for the chunin exam if you want to participate," he said handing us a form. "Of course I'm joining sensei I said looking at the paper and so was Minxie. "Yeah I'm in too," she replied. studying the paper. "Ok remember to meet me outside the village tomorrow I'll be training you and I teach you two a new technique," he said. So I felt happy inside I'll have a new signature jutsu soon. So later Tariq was upset that he couldn't learn the new jutsu that Kakashi gonna teach me and Minxie. "Don't worry you'll probably learn a powerful jutsu than this one," Minxie said cheering him up. "Yeah," I agreed. so later me and Minxie and Kakashi was at a plain area with rocks. "So what do we do first?" Minxie asked. "We practice taijutsu starting with Hono," Kakashi sensei said so later I'm practicing to make my taijutsu better than before and I got better overall then it was Minxie turn and training just as hard I was. I was starring I mean watching her plus she is a beautiful brunette with her cute emerald eyes with the gold flecks in them ooh-- damn I swear my mind is crazy stay wondering least I don't zone out like Minx do. So later at her house I see Tariq sleeping out on the couch so I my snicker turn into a lil smirk. "What he doing here?" I asked. "Idk I guess he to lazy to go home," Minxie said shrugging her shoulder. So the number 1 nucklehead ninja got lazy and fell asleep on her couch," I thought he is my best friend doe so no complaints there. so I ran upstairs and ran in her room so I lie on her bed then she ran in her room."what you doing,"she asked "nothing," I replied quickly. so I sat up and she sat beside me so I held her hand. "So do you like me now?" she asked. "Yeah, kinda but uma talk to u after I become chunin," I said. "Um ok," she replied so I walked to her balcony and disappeared so at home I filled out my application and put it in my drawer. Then fell asleep so a couple days later I woke up ate some cereal and brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts then left. So I met up with Minxie, Tariq, and Anzu on the second floor and we were heading to the door leading to the third floor and saw two guy's blocking the way. "Sorry losers we're saving your life by telling you to turn around," the first guy said. I didn't even waste my time because I knew they were illusions so Minxie went off on them til I step up. "Move aside I have business on the third floor," I said simply. "Well done you saw right through us," the second guys said as they move aside. Then we went upstairs so Rock Lee blocked me saying he wanna fight me so I was ready and Minxie stupid self supposed to be on my side cheering me on but cheer him on oh lord what's wrong with her. so we fight and I was blocking and dodging most of his attacks because I couldn't do anything else then I spot a opening then I attack him then he started doing his Lotus after kicking me in the face but we were broken up but his sensei so I got mad and left the room after Rock Lee and his sensei started crying on a turtle. "Wtf they so crazy,"i thought so I left. Then my teammates followed so we reached the door and Kakashi appeared and congratulated us then said sum to us the caught us off guard by saying he glad Anzu came along because if she haven't we wouldn't been able to participate so he disappeared and we walked inside. "HONOZI where have you been," a voice I recognized as Ino Yamanaka so she hugged me then I glared then looked at Minxie she pretended not to notice so Ino let go then Anzu started bickering with Ino. so we took our seats and I sat next to Anzu. "You ok Anzu?" I inquired. "yeah kinda nervous a lil bit," she replied. "It's ok I'm here for you, I replied so we the proctor explain the rules and no cheating but I'm good since I have my eyes.

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