Chunin exams preliminary match

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So he lunged at me and I dodged off his kunai and jumped back. I teleport and quickly reappear in front of of him and swung my peoples keyblade at him and he dodged. So my team caught up and and hit him with a powerful kick to the face well Minxie did so he went flying back. "I handle the rest," I said. "We can't just let you have all the fun," Tariq and Minxie said. So we defeated them and collected our earth scroll from them.a couple days ago. a red haired girl being attacked by a bear so I jump in a killed the bear and saw her earth scroll so she leaned on my chest. "Who are you?" I asked. Ka Karin," she studder. "Nice to meet you I'm Honozi but call me Hono," I said. "Okay she said back to my team. So Kabuto left after we reached the tower and we open both of them at the same time and we read something from it. Then later after Iruka sense I congratulated us Anko congratulated us so I daydream at her looking at her so we met up in the room and Minxie daydream at Gaara again. So they talking bout the there's gonna be a preliminary before the third exam and Anzu telling me and Minxie to withdraw um like this girl out of her mind hell no you withdraw," I thought. Please Minxie withdraw,"she said. "Sorry but I'm not going to" Anzu shut it," I hissed at Anzu interrupting Minxie. So tears gathered in her eyes and threatened to tell the teacher Please Hono I know how much pain you're in just give up or I'll tell the teachers and you're have to listen to me,"she said raising her hand. So I quickly grabbed her hand. "Shut up don't say anything about the mark," I hissed. "Why you act so strong I can't bear to see you suffer," she sobbed. "Its my decision Anzu this pain is my burden to bear...alone I don't need you or anybody else," I replied seriously.

"I told you before... I'm an avenger, Anzu. This isn't just a test for me. I don't care if I become a Chunin or not. I only want to find out if I'm really strong. And I can do that here, since all the best opponents I could find are all around us. Not for your sake, nor anyone else's will I turn away from that path," I continued. I heard Minxie muttered something but I don't care so Tariq spoke up "Idiot! Why're you acting so cool!? You've obviously made both the girls upset!" Tariq barked.

"Tariq... You're one the ones I want to fight..." I said.

So the proctor guy Hayate spoke again saying there's 22 competitors meaning there'll be 11 matches we saw the match and Minxie was first so I looked at her and she starred at it she's fighting the Kabuto guy who helped us earlier.

So Hayate called Minxie and Kabuto up and he made the rest of us go to the stands but me, Tariq, and Anzu stayed a lil longer. So Anzu walked up to Minxie "Minxie... I'm begging you... please Withdraw... P-Please... Or at least get Hono to? He'll listen to you," she said, her lips quivering.

I'm sorry Anzu, but I'm not withdrawing. I'll be fine and Hono never listens to me, much less now now. There are only a few things important to him, and I know that I'm not one of them, so I can't help you there. Sorry," she said starring at the ground. So Anzu nodded and walked away to the stands. So Tariq grinned walking to her.

"Minxie! You better not lose here!" He exclaimed and she nodded and smiled and he left. so I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder.

"What's wrong with you?"i asked quietly. "Like you care. Just go to the stands," she said rolling her eyes turning to Kabuto. "Minxie..." "I said go! I'm fine," she snapped so I raised an eyebrow and walked to the stand whatever like igaf. So me Anzu and Tariq at gate watching and Minxie faced Kabuto. So when it started so he was talking the appear in front of her and punched her in the stomach then said something else kicked her in the stomach and she skidded a few feet over. So he ran toward her to punch but she blocked it then his hand started to glow blue then he punched her and she flew back so she in the ground coughing up blood and then she crouched herself so he walked toward her and grab her by the collar started taunting her and she yelling for him to stop. so I got mad gripping the gate calm down. must be the curse mark I can't let it take over not now so we start cheering her. I cheer her after they did "Come on, loser. I know how badly you want to beat him senseless, so hurry up," I said. so he taunted her again and slammed her into the wall then he threw her into the paper bomb area and they just went off. I could see she bury under rocks from the explosion and I gripped the bars in the gate again and I wanna kill Kabuto at the point and I never trusted him from the gecko and I'm sure I'll ever trust him not after wat all those things he did to Minxie. what made me angrier was she didn't do anything but screamed for him to stop even doe she know it wasn't true she knew that right? She had to she couldn't think she was a murderer or a curse. After we cheered we thought she had a chance but it didn't turn out that way. Kabuto lean and whisper something that none of us could hear,snd it made the the color drain from her face. Whatever he had told her must've been big. So me and Tariq gripped the bar and about to jump it to help but Kakashi stopped us "Get ur hands off me," I hissed.

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