Hono sister/Hono vs. Sound Ninja Four

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So Tariq and Anzu in the room then Minxie walked in and I continue to glare at Tariq after I knocked my plate of sliced apples on the floor.

"So... What? Did you want oranges instead?" She joked.

But it didn't work at all.

And we looked at her like she was crazy and I still had a million stuff on my mind. Then the thought of Minxie and Gaara came up and I instantly glared harshly at her which she flinched and looked away then I turned to Tariq.

"What!? Why are you looking at me like that?" Tariq asked in his usual loud voice.

"...Tariq." I said.

"What... What?" Tariq asked, raising an eyebrow and puffing his cheek as he grew impatient.

"... Fight me!" I answered.

"Are you crazy? You're still recovering!" Tariq objected, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I said... Shut up and fight me!" I shouted, activating my Sharingan.

"Heh... You think you saved me?" I said looking at my blanket. "I don't care who she is... You shouldn't have let her." So I pulled off the blanket and stood up facing Tariq.

So Minxie stepped between us. "Woah, guys... Calm down. Think about this. Have you both lost it? You're friends. Friends don't fight each other, especially when one of them is recovering, and the other just got back from a dangerous mission," she said.

So we ignored her and glared back each other.

"Hey... The timing couldn't be better! I've been itching to fight you, too!" Tariq said, smirking. Then returning the glare.

"Guys, come on. Cut it out already. Please?" Anzu begged, trying to smile and pretend like nun happen.

So we ignored Anzu's plea too. "Come with me," I said, nodding my chin toward the staircase. And Tariq follow but Minxie stopped us.

"Guys! Hello? Do you not understand what you're doing? Stop playing around and get back inside!" She exclaimed, pointing to the hospital room and we just walked past her then she blocked us again.

"I told you to stop," she hissed, glaring at us. "Think about what you're doing! You're friends, you idiots. You aren't supposed to fight. You know better than that. What's fighting each other gonna accomplish? Is it gonna add to your ego? Trust me, your egos don't need to get any bigger. They're already huge, F.Y.I. So let's just forget this, okay? Because if you think I'm about to let you fight for your own stupid reason, you're wrong," she warned, and we stood silent.

"Don't worry, Minx," Tariq said looking at her. "I'll make it quick. Nothing bad's gonna happen."

So I stood a few feet from Tariq whose smirking and uma wipe smirk off his face.

"Hn What's so funny...?" I asked angrily, clenching my jaw.

"Nothing. I'm just... Cite. Cuz I know... That I can finally beat you!" Tariq announced, grinning proudly in a bittersweet way.

So I got mad thinking about what Itachi said about wanting Tariq.

"What did you say? Don't talk nonsense you loser,"

So Tariq's eyes narrowed at me. "I won't be such a loser after I win today will I?"

So I thought about what Itachi said to me. "Go away you don't interest me at the moment," he said.

"You an idiot like you has no business acting all high and mighty," I said angrily.

"Heh... What happened to the calm control Hono am I making you nervous it looks like you picked a fight with me now you scared to go through with it is that it," Tariq said, smirking.

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