First Kiss [chapter 3]

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"I'm here for the sleepover," Dolores barged in to Mirabel's room. She had a sleeping bag tucked under her arm and her night gown on. She held a pillow in the other hand.

The four kids who were already in the room all turned to her. Camilo, y/n and Mirabel all looked at her like she had five heads. The legendary sleepovers were supposed to be only for the triplets. It was already ruined because they were allowing Antonio in on it, but now Dolores too? Yeah, that wasn't going to happen.

Right as Camilo got up to shoo his sister away, two more people came up. Luisa and Isabela stood behind her with sleeping bags of their own and hopeful looks in their eyes. Great, now Camilo had to tell all three of them to go away. And he definitely feared telling Isabela the most. She'd be able to put up one hell of a fight as to why she should be allowed to stay.

"Hi!" Antonio greeted them, pushing his older brother out of the way and hugging Luisa's leg. "I'm glad you guys came too. That means we can have a really big family sleep over!"

Camilo, y/n and Mirabel all traded glances. This was not how the night was supposed to go. It was meant to be just the three of them like it used to be. Now it was all of the grandkids. Guess they'd just have to reschedule for another time.

Luisa picked up Antonio and carried him in. Mirabel sighed at the failed triplet sleepover and instead just accepted the fact it wasn't going to be that way tonight. They watched as the other Madrigals settled in to the smallest bedroom Casita had to offer.

"So... what were we talking about?" Isabela asked after she'd gotten cozy in her little corner. Dolores sat right beside her. They'd both claimed that spot of the room for themselves.

Camilo sat back down next to y/n with a huff, "We weren't talking about anything."

"They were about to play a game," Dolores informed Isabela. She smirked at Camilo who was glaring daggers at his older sister, "The drinking version of never have I ever. With juice of course. It must suck to not be able to drink, huh?"

Mirabel crossed her arms, "We get it. It's lame to do with juice, but we didn't choose to be born later."

Isabela just rolled her eyes, knowing this was the truth. She and Dolores moved closer as the rest formed a circle. Casita had brought up the juice and some plastic shot glasses for them to use. Luisa, after setting up her sleeping bag, did the same. Antonio moved to sit back down in Mirabel's lap (must be nice... i'm tryna get like you, ma boy) like he had been previously before the other Madrigals came in. Mirabel sat criss-cross in between Luisa and Dolores. Isabela sat next to Dolores, while y/n sat on the other side of Isabela. That left Camilo to be sitting in between Luisa and the only person in that room without the last name Madrigal.

"Ooh, I'll go first!" Dolores raised her hand, watching as Luisa filled each of the seven glasses with juice and placed one in front of each person. "Never have I ever scratched and sniffed?"

Camilo and y/n let out chuckles. They both grabbed their glasses, clinking them together before taking the juice shot at the same time.

Isabela grimaced at their nonchalance, "You two are disgusting."

Mirabel took a shot as well. She explained how she'd done it once or twice when she was younger and didn't know it was a bad thing. Antonio just sat confused, "What's a scratch and sniff?"

"It's where you scratch your..." Camilo had to think for a moment so he didn't say something too dirty that would taint Antonio's innocent ears. "Your butt and then see if it smells funny."

Antonio furrowed his brows, "You've done that before? But you watched your hands after... right?"

Camilo looked at y/n who gave a smug smile. She shrugged her shoulders slyly and Camilo returned the smirk. Everyone else in the room watched silently as they communicated through glances. Mirabel was the only one who could really tell what they were saying, "Sure."

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