Shakira, Shakira [chapter 27]

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"Would you ever marry a man that wasn't me?" Camilo asked out of nowhere, plopping down on his bed.

"I mean, if the man was rich and on the verge of death, then sure, I'd consider marrying him for the money," the girl nodded her head. She spoke in a tone that was a bit louder than normal as she was a room away from Camilo. She was getting changed out of her pajamas to head down for breakfast.

Camilo tossed the coin he was handling into the air, catching it and making it go down his knuckles. It was a cool trick he'd taught himself. Letting out a hum, he looked up to see y/n coming out of the closet she'd manifested in his room, "And then you'd come back to me with the money, right?"

"I don't know," she shrugged, walking over to his bed. Camilo leaned back on his hands, watching as she sat down and straddled him. Her hands came up to his cheeks, gently holding them. With her lips ghosting his, she let her breath fan against them, "Depends on my mood."

In response to the teasing, Camilo bit his bottom lip lightly and glanced down at hers. He let both of his hands snake their way around her waist. He pulled her towards him when she wasn't expecting it, sending them both backwards on his bed. His hands were now rubbing against her back. They would occasionally slip order her shirt, his cold fingers teasingly brushing against her skin for a quick second before they dipped back out.

"Then I guess I better put you in a good mood," Camilo whispered. One of his hands moved so it wrapped around the back of her neck. He pulled the girl's head down so her lips smashed into his.

Butterflies erupted in her stomach, fluttering around until they eventually seemed to be going off in her chest as well. The places Camilo touched seemed to burn under the skin-to-skin contact. It was just as exciting as it was dangerous. Her lips molded into his, head tilting to the side slightly.

Even if she would never admit this, y/n would trade anything in the world to stay where they were.

She'd heard Camilo speaking of freezing time several times. He was always so happy in some moments, usually doing something with just her that was more on the private side. Back then, it always just sounded like a bunch of nonsense. But right now? That was a different story. If time were to freeze right then and there, she would actually be rather happy.

Camilo pulled away, staring at her with adoring eyes. She still kept hers shut, taking a moment to collect herself again. He always managed to leave her stunned. Taking in a deep breath and letting out a shaky exhale, she opened her eyes to gaze into Camilo's green ones.

"Hey," Camilo spoke in a soft tone, slightly furrowing his brows.

Y/n tilted her head to the side, "Hey?"

Camilo stared at her with curiosity, "We haven't become official, have we? We're just kinda two loose people that are exclusive to only each other."

"Yes...?" she mumbled, hoping he was taking this where she thought this was going.

"So," Camilo let a light blush settle over his cheeks. He took in a deep breath before looking at y/n hopefully. It took all of his confidence to finally ask the question that had been bothering him since they first ever kissed on that roof when they were thirteen. "Would you like to be the Bonnie to my Clyde?" Well, maybe not the exact question.

"Try again," she let a small grin spread across her face.

He faltered slightly, thinking she might've been rejecting him. Then he took a moment to actually think about it. Why would she reject him after clearly displaying the fact she harbored the same feelings as he did? Then it clicked with him, "Can I be the Clyde to your Bonnie?"

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