Sleepover Origins [chapter 6]

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Mirabel rushed through the halls, dodging her sisters who had been walking down them. They were coming off of their break to finish up their chores for the day. She ignored Isabela who asked where she was going in such a hurry, instead sliding to a stop when she reached the door she wanted.


She knew he was done with chores for the day. Mirabel had heard from the villagers that Camilo did all of his work for the day without stopping to take a break. It gave him an extra couple of hours at the end of the day to do as he pleased.

"Ok," Mirabel barged in to Camilo's room. She didn't bring anything as she knew Camilo's room could give her anything she wished for. It was a pretty sweet thing about his own special room. "We're having a sleepover, and this times it's only the triplets."

Camilo jumped, completely ruining the picture he was drawing since his pencil drew a bold line across the center. He turned to his door where Mirabel stood, giving a pout and a small glare. His partner in crime slowly turned to the door. She wore a ridiculous outfit with a hat containing a bunch on fruits resting on her head. Mirabel looked at her strangely for a minute before waving it off; they were just two peculiar people.

Y/n carefully took off the hat, setting it down on a table she'd wished Camilo's room to put next to her. She got up from the stool and turned around, heading for a door that lead to a closet which she'd also manifested, "Thank you for stopping this madness. Camilo is convinced he's the next Vincent van Gogh."

"I'm actually going to be the next Da Vincki," Camilo scoffed. His room made the art equipment he had out disappear. "Colombian edition."

"Da Vinci. With a 'ch' sound at the 'c'," Mirabel corrected. She closed the door to his room and walked over to his bed which never seemed to disappear. It was the only thing that ever remained permanent in his room.

Camilo didn't utter another word. He just puffed his cheeks out and manifested a checkers board. He and Mirabel would play a round while they waited for their other "triplet" to finish getting dressed into normal clothes. Camilo didn't understand why she needed to change though. He thought she looked pretty snazzy in the clothes he had been drawing a picture of her in.

While y/n was getting dressed, she thought about things. They were having another sleepover within the same month. Granted, this one was going to be a triplet only one, but it still wasn't very common nowadays. Especially not after Camilo started being forced to do his chores instead of skipping them. He was typically drained by the end of the day.

She thought back to when times were simpler; when Camilo didn't have to use his gift to help the villagers all the time, when Mirabel didn't feel like she wasn't doing enough.

"Mirabel..." Camilo whispered, slowly opening the door to the nursery and peeking his head inside. Y/n did the same, her head directly below his. They watched her sniffle and rub her eyes to rid them of the tears she'd been crying, "Are you ok?"

She nodded her head, putting her glasses back on her face. She'd taken them off when she first started crying. Mirabel knew she'd have to remove them eventually to wipe away the tears. She pat down her hair and tried to force a smile on her face; it came out as a face spasm sort of thing.

The five year old Camilo and y/n looked at each other. They knew how disappointed Mirabel must've felt. She was frustrated, blaming the whole thing on herself. Mirabel didn't get a gift, so there was a possibility that the magic of the Madrigal family had stopped. And since she was the youngest of the family, there was no way of knowing.

"Yeah, yeah," Mirabel nodded her head quickly. She slid of her bed and made her way over to the door her other two triplets still stood peeking through. "I'm great!"

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