Cuddle Puddle [chapter 4]

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Camilo lightly blew air onto her nose, grinning when he saw the girl next to him scrunch up her nose. It gave away the fact she wasn't sleeping like she'd pretended to be. Even if it were a bit peculiar, Camilo had learned that if his female companion was truly asleep, she'd remain as still as a rock. She knew her cover had been blown too, for her parents had told her about her strange habit when she'd fallen unconscious.

"Stop pretending to be asleep," Camilo reached his arms out of his sleeping bag. He brought them up to her face and began pulling and pushing her cheeks in a million different directions. Then, of course, he just had to have the brilliant idea of shapeshifting into her. "I'm y/n, and I like to pretend to be asleep so I don't fall in love by staring at Camilo's charmingly handsome face— gwaff!"

The boy couldn't control his power very well when he had a pillow suffocating him.

She let go of the pillow as soon as she felt Camilo clawing at her hands. That was her queue that she was about to be taking it too far. The Madrigal pulled the pillow away from his face and was dramatic about his breathing. His green eyes were in the direct line of where the moon shone through the window, giving them a creepy effect as he stared at her like she was crazy.

"You tried to kill me!" he sat up in his sleeping bag. Camilo heard her do the same, faintly seeing her silhouette in the darkness of the room. He glared when he saw her teeth as she gave a wide smile.

Y/n shook her head, "Now why would I kill you when you happen to be my favorite Madrigal."

"What?" Camilo gasped. "I'm your favorite Madrigal?! Well, you're my favorite l/n."

"Go to sleep," Antonio slurred, half-asleep in his bed.

The two shared a glance before settling back down in their sleeping bags. And even though they were supposed to be going to sleep so they wouldn't wake up the others, they simply couldn't. Camilo and y/n found themselves staring into the darkness, giggling at the dumbest of sounds.

"You two, shut up," Mirabel tried to sound mad. She'd been awakened from the sound of the two of them laughing over hearing a rat squeak. Even though Mirabel was a little upset she was robbed of sleep, she couldn't help but want to laugh too. Mirabel had the misfortune of hearing their contagious laughs for the past five minutes. "It's not—pft- it's not that funny."

"Hey, do you know what Donald Duck was recently caught doing?" Camilo asked, already starting to giggle from his own joke before it'd even left his mouth. This instantly made it a million times funnier. When he heard a 'what' from y/n in between laughs, he got to the punchline. "Quack."

The three wheezed at the corny joke. It always seemed that when things weren't supposed to be funny they became immediately funnier. This had always been the way things were. They would try not to be loud with their show of amusement while the others in the household slept. Dolores was the main worry. She'd not be able to fall asleep and then tell her parents to tell the "triplets" to quiet down. Luckily for them however, Dolores was wearing a pair of earmuffs that were specially crafted to block out her gift.

Camilo's room had made them for her once, and she'd kept them ever since.

"What did the pickle say to the other pickle when they fell on the floor?" it was now Mirabel's turn to pitch in with a joke. "Dill with it!"

Camilo and Mirabel cackled, using their hands to caver their mouths and conceal the ungodly sound. Y/n, on the other hand, had now been laying on her stomach. Her face was buried deep within he pillow, muffling the never ending stream of laughs. When she was ready to say her own joke, she brought her head up and rested her chin on the pillow.

It was just a simple word, but it made all three of them lose it, "Penis."

Camilo held his gut, curling his knees up into his chest. Mirabel banged on the mattress below her with a fist. Her hand clasped her mouth tightly, sealing her giggles away. Y/n had planted her face back into her pillow. Apparently they were still being too loud, even with their muffled cackles.

Luisa tapped on Camilo's shoulder, scaring the heebie-jeebies out of him. He slowly turned to the girl who had just been sleeping peacefully moments prior, "Go to sleep before I put you to sleep."

"Yes ma'am!" he squeaked.

They stopped talking and attempted to go to sleep yet again. It didn't work though. There happened to be only one thing in the world that would allow the three of them to go to sleep at a sleepover. It was a legendary ritual. And they tossed and turned, thinking about the one thing they needed to do.

"I'm coming down there," Mirabel whispered, knowing that she needed to sacrifice comfortable sleep for a spot on the floor. It was the responsibility the host of the sleepover always had to take.

She squeezed her way in between Camilo and Luisa. Camilo moved closer to y/n who was already pressed up against the wall. He threw his leg over her torso, feeling as she squirmed underneath him to get more comfortable. Mirabel turned and wrapped her arms around Camilo. Y/n felt Camilo's arms wrap around her while she held onto one of Antonio's stuffed animals.

"Cuddle puddle."

That was it. They were out like lights once they'd stayed still in each other's embraces for just a few minutes.

Much like they were the last ones to fall asleep, they were the last ones to wake up. Luckily for the two Madrigals of the trio, it was their day off. They could spent the whole time doing as they pleased. Unluckily for the l/n of the trio though, she had promised she'd help her father run errands that day.

"What time is it?" groaned the girl as she snuggled into Camilo's grasp. She felt his arms tighten around her as he mumbled a good morning. Mirabel felt around her nightstand for her glasses, grabbing the clock off of it once she'd placed her glasses on her face.

"Almost nine."

She hummed, not quiet paying attention at fist. But then her brain woke up enough for the information to settle in. She shot up in bed, ignoring Camilo who protested this sudden action, "Wait— what?! Oh shit, I gotta go! Casita, get me out of the house with my stuff as quick as you can."

Casita worked its magic, moving the floors and various items of furniture out of the way to get her to the nearest exit. She was shot out of the house and she sprinted past the other members of the Madrigal family. They were setting up for breakfast when they saw the girl rush down the pathway still in her pajamas.

"Hi, bye!" she waved, flashing a quick smile as she stayed moving.

Her feet ran through the town, taking sharp turns when she needed to. She tripped a few times, lost her balance more times than a person would be able to count on their fingers, and managed to lose her shoe several times. Yet she still managed to come bursting through the doors of her home before everybody had sat around the table to eat breakfast.

"Morning, y/n," her father rose his brows. He knew she wasn't one to go back on her promises, but he thought that because she spent the night in Casita she might've been a little later than she said she would be. Granted, she still was wearing night clothes and her hair didn't look to be done very well, but she was still there nonetheless.

She watched as one of her many cousins came into the dining room, "Oh, y/n... you're back..."

"What did you do to my room?" she asked immediately.

"Nothing, nothing," they were quick to reassure her. "Abort mission!" That did the trick of getting rid of any reassurance she had. A bunch of thuds were heard before three more of her cousins came running down the stairs. They were quite obviously hiding something behind their backs.

She side-eyed her father who witnessed the exact same thing as she had. He coughed to gather the younger peoples' attention, "Go clean up whatever mess you made."

"Man, didn't even let her see our surprise."

"I bet you she would've liked the bugs too."

"There's bugs in my room!?"

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