Surface Pressure [chapter 13]

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"What are we—" y/n couldn't even get the words out before she was cut off.

Mirabel stopped quickly and turned around to face her. She stayed still for a moment before suddenly wrapping her in a hug. She squeezed, and y/n just stood there confused. Y/n slowly brought her hand up and hugged her back, furrowing her brows at her change in mood.

Just last night she said she wished she wasn't triplets, and this morning she'd referred to them as triplets and was hugging her. Was this girl bipolar or what?

"I'm sorry," Mirabel mumbled into her shoulder. She ignored the discomfort she felt as her glasses sat awkwardly on the bridge of her nose. "I didn't mean what I said last night. I love you and Camilo. Even if I could go back in time to any point, I would never change meeting you with Camilo and becoming the dynamic trio."

Y/n frowned, feeling tears start to pool into her eyes. Now she wasn't typically one to cry, but when it came to Mirabel or Camilo she'd cry a river over anything. They meant the most to her, "No, I'm sorry."

"For what?" Mirabel pulled away from the hug and made a face.

The non-Madrigal bit her tongue. What was she sorry for? Maybe for not believing Mirabel even though her reasons for not doing so were valid. Was it perhaps the feeling of guilt she felt. Maybe she just wanted to mend their relationship before it could get so bad to the point it wasn't fixable.

"Exactly," Mirabel nodded, adjusting her glasses. "You wanted proof, so I'll give you proof. And you'll help me save the miracle. Understood?" She wasn't taking 'no' for an answer.

Y/n could only sigh, "Since when did you become the bad influence?"

"Hey, I'm not a bad influence!" Mirabel defended, placing a hand over her heart to show her offense. "I am the best one out of the three of us actually. Also, I don't think saving the miracle is classified as something that could go under the 'bad influence' category."

"It is if Abuela doesn't approve," y/n crossed her arms and gave a smug smirk.

"Shut up," Mirabel out the palm of her hand on her triplet's face and lightly pushed it back. Y/n stumbled a bit, regaining balance and trying to send her a glare, but she had been too late for Mirabel to see it. The Madrigal had already set off to chasing after her sister again. "Help me catch Luisa!"

Y/n ran after her without a second thought. She was going ask questions later... and now was later.

"Why do we need Luisa?" she gasped in a breath of air once Mirabel stopped to decide which corner she wanted to turn. She heard some people thank Luisa for moving the church, so that was the route Mirabel chose to take.

Mirabel's eye lit up when she saw her sister, grabbing her childhood friend's arm and rushing so they were much closer to Luisa. "We need her because Dolores told me hear eye was twitching all night. She was nervous about something— it had to do with the magic!"

"Poor Dolores," y/n mumbled. She knew it must've been agonizing to not be able to sleep due to hearing someone's eye twitch all night. She also couldn't help but wonder why Dolores didn't put on her earphones to block it out. "But why does her eye twitching automatically mean she was worried about the magic?"

"Oh, it doesn't. She's just our only lead as of right now," Mirabel shrugged. She then started addressing Luisa who was now only a couple feet in front of them. The strong woman was now gathering the escaped donkeys. "Luisa, wait! You gotta tell me about the magic! What's going on? What are you hiding?"

Luisa helped a man that had his house... leaning to the side? She continued forwards, grabbing a donkey as they were passing. "Nothing. Just got a lot of chores, so maybe should just go home."

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