Picnic [chapter 19]

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An hour later and Camilo wasn't covered in tea, Pepa was calmed down and Mirabel was still missing. This did not please Abuela. Luckily for Camilo and y/n, she hadn't sent them out to have them help in looking for her. They'd give it a solid hour at best before Abuela made them help. In the meantime, they'd hide out in Camilo's room.

"Man, I'm starving," y/n complained, falling back on Camilo's bed with a huff. Not even seconds later, her stomach let out a loud rumble. With dinner being a failed meal, she was left hungry, not having eaten anything since breakfast. She and Camilo had been in a heated roast battle when the family was having lunch, and leftovers are the worst thing to exist. "Thank you for further proving my point," she glared at her stomach.

Camilo let out a laugh. After all the horrible events that took place tonight, she found a way to make it amusing. Not even the boy himself could do that. She truly was a star— one that shone brighter than the rest.

"Wanna have a picnic?" he asked. His room had already responded to his thought before his other half had time to respond.

A red and white blanket had been set out, a basket that he had a pretty good feeling was filled with food on top of it. A flower also appeared in his hands. He blushed, having a cheesy idea.

He held out the pretty plant to her, "A flower for the first date?"

She raised her brows at this. At first, she only thought it was a friendly little picnic; something that she didn't think much about. But what he'd called it— a date. This would be the first one for both of them. And though going on a date with Camilo Madrigal was something she would mind, she never imagined it being like this. I mean, who would? After a failed proposal because both of them were starving.

She stood up from his bed, flattening out her hair and clothes. If this was going to be her first date, then she'd at least like to look decent. Dolores and Isabela would be proud to see her caring about something involving her looks for once.

"That's disgusting," Isabela made a face.

Y/n dug at her wedgie, trying her hardest to get the stupid thing to go away. It was uncomfortable to her, so she was going to fix it. She happened to be walking down the hall with Camilo who had just come out of his room. They were on their way to wreak some havoc in the village, but ended up getting stopped by Dolores and Isabela who were on their way to start their chores.

Y/n made a face right back at Isabela, "What?"

"Are you kidding me?" Dolores deadpanned. She scrunched up her nose, "You are the least ladylike girl I have ever had the ple— displeasure of meeting. And I've met Mirabel..."

"I am the most ladylike person in this house!" y/n scoffed. She crossed her arms and huffed, "And Mirabel is ladylike too! She's a very cool person."

Isabela gave a blank look, "I watched you pick your nose yesterday... and eat it."


"How big was the booger?" Camilo broke the silence.

Y/n gave a sly grin. If Isabela and Dolores were going to scold her, then she'd at least give them payback. Being scolded was annoying for y/n, so she'd be disgusting. Which heavily annoyed the two eldest Madrigal girls. She spread arms apart as far as she could, "Massive."

"Man!" Camilo snapped his fingers. "I wish I could've eaten it. The big ones always taste better."


The girl gingerly grabbed the flower. She was careful with the beauty; something that looked so delicate needed to be handled with just as much care as it looked. Her eyes scanned over the white of the flower's petals. They were so very pretty. Camilo would've compared her to the flower, but then he'd be robbing y/n. She was even prettier than the prettiest flower.

"I accept this date request," she spoke in a formal accent.

Julieta had given them an almanac of a bunch of different flowers and their meanings. It was an older one, and she'd recently received a new one on her birthday from her husband, so she had no use for the other one. She figured since y/n loved to learn new things, she would enjoy the almanac. And right she was.

Camilo and y/n spent hours browsing through the thing the day she'd gotten it. Camilo didn't care much for some flowers, but since y/n loved it so much then he guessed he did too. A passion of hers was a passion of his. And vice versa.

With spending all those hours looking at the flowers, they'd memorized the meanings of some. If she remembered correctly, y/n was pretty sure the flower she was a white lily. It was meant to say one's love was pure. And that made her heart thump so loudly in her chest that she was sure Camilo could hear it.

She sat down on the blanket, Camilo being quick to follow after her. He opened the lid to the basket and pulled out a container of pan dulce. He also pulled out a container of gorditas de la villa which were no doubt the ones they'd get from a stall in the second quadrant. The owner would give them some free ones because Camilo was a Madrigal and y/n's father was a well-known man.

Her mouth watered at the sight of the food. It might not have been much, but she was hungry. Anything would taste like a gourmet meal at that point... with the exception of Camilo's recipes. Never in a million years would she try one of those.

Camilo and y/n muttered a quick prayer before digging in. It was a nice feeling to finally have something in their stomachs after going so long without eating. They were on a whole other planet as they devoured every last piece of food in front of them.

Eventually, they'd eaten everything, and they sat back with their bellies full. Camilo leaned with his back up against a wall his room had brought into existence. Y/n laid down, her head placed gently in his lap. She looked up above to the ceiling that had changed into a replica of the starry sky that would grace the would at night.

Her eyes traced over each constellation. They danced from one grouping to another, recalling all the names of the cluster of stars.

Her father had stargazed with her many times before. He was the whole reason she even cared so much for the night sky. Ever since she was little, a three year old her going with a younger version of her old man to see some stars in the middle of the night. Her father had to sneak out, knowing her aunt would not approve of him having her up and out of bed so late at night.

But she loved it. And she cherished moments like that with her father.

They'd gotten rarer the older she got. With her aunt living with her family once again along with her army of kids, his attention had to be divided. She only had two siblings. Two brothers. But with the addition of her cousins, there was a total of eight kids most under the age of ten. Excluding her of course.

"What's your favorite constellation?" Camilo asked. He looked down at y/n 's face with a small smile. His hands reached up, one cupping her cheek and the other messing with her hair. It had gotten longer since the gum incident which resulted in her chopping most of her locks off.

She hummed, thinking about which one it was. She liked them all so very much. They were special in their own ways, each holding a story of their origins within them. And even if she did like to think she didn't pick favorites, there would always be one she'd love more than the rest.


Camilo nodded, "Why?"

"In mythology, I'm pretty sure it's Greek, Phaëton was the son of the sun god, Helios. Helios rid in a chariot that pulled the sun around throughout the day. Phaëton was greedy to get his hands on this, so he begged his dad until he allowed him to drive the chariot. But when he did, it got out of control and he caused major damage to the land, so before things could get worse Zeus struck him down with a lightning bolt. He died in the river Eridanus."

"How does that relate to you?" Camilo asked.

"Because I want to take over my family some day. It'll be soon: I'll beg my dad to let me be the head," she replied, "Even if one of my brothers is older than me." With a sigh, she reached upwards, "But I hopefully won't end up driving the sun into the earth."

Camilo let out a laugh, "No, I don't think you will."

"Fingers crossed."

"Prayers sent."

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