I thought your are Grumpy person

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Aishwarya's POV 

It was almost 6 by the time we reached home.

"Hi Aishu, how is college?" Aunty asked

Uncle was sitting next to aunty

"Its good aunty"

"How did you find people in your department" uncle asked

"They are good, I made new friend" I said

"That's good"

"Yesterday she was telling, she wouldn't trust people anymore. She became friends with stranger in a day" Vicky commented

"He is really nice, I know I can trust him" I said

"Who is he?" Uncle asked 

"He is in second year, he is from Hyderabad. He loved your food aunty. He is missing homemade food. He asked me to get more food from tomorrow. Actually everyone loved your food" I said

"You gave your food to everyone and didn't eat. That's why you fainted. How can they take all your food" Vicky said angrily 

Do you have to tell about it?

"Aishu, you fainted? Are you hungry? I will get something for you" aunty said getting up

"I'm fine aunty, I just had mosambi juice" I said

"Vicky gave us treat" Vishal said

"Where did he take you Aishu?" Uncle asked

I didn't know what to say. I have no idea... he took me to gokul ice creams... they won't have intuit juice there

"I didn't notice Uncle, it was near to my college...there is no way I could have noticed.  Your son and Vishal are Crack ups, pulling each other's legs. I thought your son is serious person always grumpy..."

"You think I'm grumpy?" Vicky asked angrily like a small kid

I tried to cover up and this Vikram is complaining 

I couldn't help from laughing seeing his face

His lips broke into smile seeing me

"Yes Vikram, you looked grumpy and you are police officer too. So I thought so" I said 

"You think all police officers are serious and grumpy" he asked seriously 

"How can I think seeing uncle, he is so sweet, caring. Don't rise voice at all unlike you" I said holding uncle's arm

Vishal laughed

"Only family and close friends see uncle like that. Outsiders think he is very serious person. You know uncle is called terrorist of criminals"

"I know uncle is sincere fierce police officer otherwise Chief Minister and Home minister wouldn't request him to rejoin. I'm  so happy uncle joined. Society needs him. I'm so proud that he is my uncle " I said 

"My dad" Vikram said 

"Are you seriously jealous of me" I asked 

"No way" he said 

Everyone laughed 

"All thanks to you Aishu, I rejoined" uncle said

"What did she do? I thought  you joined because I'm back " Vikram said 

Uncle laughed "you are still kid Vicky"

"Aishu persuaded me, promised to take care of Shanthi. Shanti's health is good now. She looks after Shanthi, her diet, medicines. She brought happiness into our lives. I have never seen happy and healthy in years" Uncle said emotionally 

"You both are very sweet and kind uncle,  deserve nothing but happiness. You took me in when my life was at cross roads, supported me, taking care of me like daughter..." 

Suddenly I remembered they would hate me if they know who I am

"Aishu, what happened suddenly? Why are you crying?" Aunty asked 

I didn't know I was crying but after aunty asked I broke down completely 

I hugged her crying 

"Shanthi, take Aishu to her room" uncle said 

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