One sided

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Aishu's POV 

After rolling on bed for half an hour, I realized there is no way I could sleep. Also I'm getting used to sleep more recently especially aunty asking me to take naps. It's not at all good, I'm going to have longer hours of work from tomorrow.

I need someone to talk right now. I called Mahesh and asked him to come to ice cream parlor, messaged uncle and aunty that 'I'm stepping out, have some work. Will be back evening'

Mahesh was waiting outside when I reached. We went inside and ordered two hot fudge chocolate chip ice cream. I didn't even feel like eating.

"You look different.." he said 

I looked at him

"Not in negative sense, beautiful... maybe dressed in traditional" he said 

"You mean I was not beautiful before" I asked 

"What is it bothering you Aishu" he asked 

"I'm fine" i said 

He laughed 

"If you are fine you wouldn't speak like this. You wouldn't call me here on Sunday in the first place. You are here to talk to me. Get it off your chest" he said 

He is right

I took out thali(wedding chain) and showed to Mahesh. He didn't react, looked at me confused. Then I realized, He knows I'm already married and would be wearing it.

"Vikram tied it today" i said 

"What? You are already married right?" He asked 

I wasn't wearing all these months. He didn't tie thali, tied black bead mangalsutra. It broke, didn't feel the need to wear" I said

"Did he tie because of Sushanth's incident?" He asked 

I nodded no and told him how Rehaan arranged everything and how aunty uncle made tried to convince me and Vikram blackmailing.

"I'm so happy for you. I was really worried after Sushanth's incident. God solved your problem in the form of Rehaan. I know you still don't trust Vikram. At least now trust him Aishu. Both of your love is true, fate brought you both together. Forget past and live happily" he said smiling 

"I don't know Mahesh. Uncle and aunty still doesn't know Vikram is my husband and is my baby's dad. Still they wanted me to get married to their only son. They don't know who my family is! My uncle destroyed their family. I'm scared how they will react after learning the truth" I said sadly 

"They already accepted you. I'm sure they don't mind who your family is. Don't worry about anything, go by the flow" he said 

"Thank you Mahesh" I thanked him

"I want to go for shopping, can you come with me" I asked 

"You are trying to escape from reality" he asked looking at me seriously

He is right

"You married Vikram long ago and they are your in laws. You met them as stranger, love them and they love you too. According to them you became their daughter in law today but the bonding and the love they have for you is same. Don't think too much" he said 

I nodded 

"We will go for shopping" I said. I'm not ready to go home

He sighed

We went to mall. I love shopping and it keeps my mind off other things. Unfortunately I do my shopping fast. 

I helped Mahesh choosing dresses for Kajal (Mahesh's girlfriend). Mahesh's phone rang, he smiled looking at his phone

"You are shopping for Kajal and she called. How romantic" I said 

Mahesh showed me his phone smiling. I was shocked, it's Vicky . He answered the phone keeping it in speaker 

"Is Aishu ok?" Vicky asked

 How did he knew I'm with Mahesh?

"You have zero patience man, no hello, nothing" Mahesh said 

"Ok ok, hello Mahesh! How are you? How is Aishu?" He asked 

Mahesh laughed

"Why don't you ask her? She is listening" he said winking at me

I punched Mahesh. Why do he has to tell

"Aishu, are you ok?" He asked 

"I'm fine" I said 

"Are you done shopping? Do you want me to come and get you? You didn't even take your car" he said 

How did he know where I am? Of course he would have tracked my phone. Even normal people can find, he is a cop, did masters in MCA and is very good with hacking and tracking. This is nothing for him

"Almost done,  will take cab" I said 

"Your phone is in silent I guess. Mom and Varna called you several times..." he said

"I'm sorry, I will call them now" i said 

"It's ok, I informed them. Im coming, wait there" he said

"I will take cab" i said 

"I'm almost there, 10 minutes. Will call you once I reach, you can come out. Bye " he said cutting the call

God! It's always one side talk. He will do what he wants

"Your husband" Mahesh said laughing as if his name is self explanatory 

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