You are Evil

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Aishwarya's POV 

Tomorrow is Engagement. It's going to be tough day, one thing I can't handle is functions... I'm happy celebrating with family but having thousands of people is awful. I try not to run away.

My family came last night, they are staying with my in laws. Mom got heavy sarees and jewelry for me. I was scared to even look at.

Shanthi aunty rescued me saying, 'Aishu is pregnant, it's hard for her to handle'. 

She was not happy but agreed.

"I pity Neetu" i said 

"You mean, I will make Neetu wear heavy sarees and jewelry" mom said angrily 

"I didn't say anything mom, you said"

"Aunty never forces me, she is so sweet" Neetu said hugging mom

Mom is sweet, after knowing Neetu is Vicky's sister, she truly accepted as her daughter.

 Aunty arranged for Mehandi, Varna came with her family. I wanted simple design but mom blackmailed me emotionally that she didn't get to do anything for my marriage. 

All the ladies had mehandi, men fed us. It was beautiful night, singing, dancing... 

Everyone looked so happy. I felt bad for Vishal and Tanvi (Nikki's mom) aunty. Ever since my last encounter with Nikki, Vishal is depressed. He is not in our hospital. He resigned after Dean could find HOD, Dr. Aravind Tagore. He is very good.

Vishal is back to neurosurgeon, he is the best. I realized he joined in my hospital to protect me. He really loves me, I feel bad for hating him.

Finally around midnight we retired to our rooms

Vicky helped me wash my hands, it was dark red, he kissed my hands

"This is the first time I'm seeing you have mehandi. It's so beautiful. I'm sorry Aishu, you didn't have any wedding rituals because of me" he apologized 

"Your  love is more than enough... our baby is bonus... I don't need anything else" I said 

He carried me to bed

"You know how hard it is to stay away from you? You are becoming more curvy and sexy with each day and it's not helping at all" he said hugging me

I'm 30 weeks now and Doctor advised not to engage in sexual activity because of my condition. 

I pecked his lips and turned to other side to sleep 

"You are evil, you know that" he said 

"Of course, I'm your wife. Sleep now. Long day tomorrow"

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