Chapter 20

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Things had been eventful to say the least.

Morgana had magic.

She had magic and Merlin was the one who had led her to the druids who told her so, even despite Kilgharrah 's protests and Miriam's, his sister having a heart-wrenching feeling that it would only lead to ruin, but Merlin didn't listen.

The druids were then framed for Morgana's kidnapping and many slaughtered in Arthur's attempt to rescue his adoptive sister.

Arthur however, had the sneaking suspicion that Merlin fancied Morgana since the whole ordeal started, but when he stepped up to talk to his servant, all he could think about was Miriam.

Merlin was also beginning to get an inkling as to his master's feelings towards his sister as well, especially in the next week when Miriam prepared to go off on a journey with Morgana and Gwen to Morgana's father's grave.

"Are you sure you should be going with them?" Merlin asked Miriam dressed in a simple red ensemble, cloak over her shoulders as she stood next to her horse.

"Morgana asked for the company and both the king and Gaius said it was not a bad idea to have someone with healing expertise on this endeavour."

Merlin still appeared anxious.

"At least take your sword with you," he suggested, and Miriam's smirk was wicked.

"Trousers and my sword are under this dress. I will be fine, big brother," she promised as she hugged Merlin, eyes opening to meet Arthur's from where he stood next to Morgana.

Merlin's hands were gentle on her back as she mounted her horse, despite her not needing his help. And as her brother arranged her cloak on the horse as Arthur had done for Morgana, she couldn't help but meet Arthur's gaze.

How one look could hold so much meaning and so many unspoken words amazed her sometimes. And sometimes it was that look that gave her hope for what could be someday.

"You must return to Camelot before dusk," Arthur instructed to the knight leading their expedition.

"Yes sire," he nodded and with that, they were off, the three women surrounded by four armed knights and eight troops on foot.

Her last look at her brother and Arthur was still stuck in the front of her mind as she rode in stride with Morgana and Gwen, the ward in the middle of the two girls.

"You look troubled, Mira," Morgana noted, and Miriam was quick to plaster a smile on her face.

"I'm fine Morgana."

"I hardly see you these days. I do find it a little hard to believe that all that time is spent running after Gaius. I'm beginning to think there's a man involved," Morgana said with a smile and Miriam laughed.

"I think that is a question for Gwen."

The king's ward gasped as her head turned to her handmaiden who laughed.

"When do I get to meet any decent men?" she chuckled, and Miriam's grin was evil.

"My brother told me of your liking towards a certain non-noble knight named Lancelot."

Gwen's eyes widened as Morgana gasped again.

"That man that saved Arthur last year? With the dark hair and eyes? The handsome one? Guinevere! Why didn't you tell me?"

Morgana's question went unanswered though as they rode through a valley, and men attacked. The knights of Camelot were vastly outnumbered as the women were pulled from their horses.

But Miriam threw her head back, her skull connecting with the nose of her would-be kidnapper as he let her go.

"Head for the tree line!" she called to Gwen and Morgana as they too escaped their captors and Miriam began to shed her cloak and dress as they ran.

She'd barely started to unlace her corset when three more men circled them.

"I must warn you, I am Uther Pendragon's ward. He'll have your heads if any harm comes to me," Morgana threatened them, terror evident on her face.

The man in charge lowered the scarf that covered his face. "I have no intention of hurting you, at least not yet. Lady Morgana."

Oh, they were in so much trouble. 

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