Chapter 21

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"He's coming. You both know what you must do?" Morgana asked Miriam and Gwen as she peeked out of the tent they were held in, their captors having made camp.

The two nodded their heads as they backed away from the curtains that opened as soon as they did.

"I trust you are comfortable," the man said.

"I demand to know where you are taking us," Morgana ordered.

"You'll find out soon enough. We have a long journey ahead of us. Get some rest," the man suggested before turning to leave.

Morgana's plan, however, involved more conversation with him though.

"I wish to bathe," she proclaimed as she followed him out of the tent.

"You wish to bathe?" the man repeated, unsure if this was truly happening.

"I'm the king's ward and accustomed to certain standards. I'm sure you are quite content to stink like a pig, but I am not," Morgana continued, glad to know at the very least they still had one effective weapon amongst them as it lay hidden beneath Miriam's dress.

"The Lady Morgana wishes to bathe," the man announced to his men. "Who wishes to help me guard her?"

His group laughed but her wish was granted as the man and his second escorted the three women to the river.

"You might find the water a little icy," he said as Morgana shed her cloak and the second kept iron grips on Miriam and Gwen's arms.

"I'm sure I'll manage," she spat back at him before her hands went to unbutton her tulle shawl. "If you were any kind of gentleman, you'd give me some privacy."

"Well unfortunately for you, I am no kind of gentleman. So get on with it," the man ordered face smug as Morgana removed her shawl.

The second even let go of Miriam and Gwen as he moved closer and Gwen instantly went to help Miriam unlace her dress.

Morgana was unfortunate enough to have to strip to her undergarments, hugging her purple dress to her chest to keep their attention as Miriam slid out of her dress, revealing her tunic and trousers and glistening sword at her waist.

"You could at least turn your backs," Morgana said.

"So you can make a run for it? Do you think I'm that stupid?" the man asked as Gwen creeped up behind him.

"I think you're very stupid," Morgana replied with a smirk as Gwen pulled the man's sword from his sheath.

Before he could react though, Morgana punched him in the face as Miriam's sword impaled the second, going clean through his chainmail as he collapsed to the ground, Gwen tossing Morgana the man's sword as she sliced it through his arm.

"RUN!" the ward yelled as the women sprinted off into the forest.


Gwen followed Morgana as she led the way, Miriam bringing up the rear, at least that was until Gwen fell to the floor in pain.

"Gwen!" Morgana and Miriam exclaimed in worry.

"Come put your arm around my shoulder!" Morgana urged.

"No! We'll never outrun them. You must go on without me," Gwen insisted as they heard the footsteps of the men getting closer, Gwen unable to put weight on her foot.

"I'm not leaving you behind," Morgana said.

"Morgana, go! I'll stay with her. Go get help. Go get Arthur!" she said to the ward as she pushed her away from Gwen.

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