Chapter 113

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(A/N: Hello, we interrupt your previous upload schedule of 2-4 a day to the previous 1 a day as like with most of my other stories, I don't want it to end and I love holding you guys in suspense. Thank you and I hope you enjoy. XxD)


Miriam was seated in her throne when Kara entered, Mordred standing next to the doors with his back flush with the wall, Kara unaware of his presence. Merlin stood at his sister's side, Gwaine and Percival stationed in the gap between Kara and the queen, the guards that escorted her still standing close as were those that guarded the door.

"Why am I here?" Kara asked, her hands still shackled.

"Kara, I have brought you here at the request of a mutual friend of ours. He seems to think that you can be redeemed."

Her eyes seemed to widen a bit as she remained silent.

"As for what I want from you, I want the details of Morgana's operation. Her numbers, her weapons, her allies."

"And what will I get out of it?" she questioned and Miriam leaned back in her throne.

"Life is a trading system, you give something and you get something. Depending on the value of your information, I'm inclined to give you something in return. Provided you swear to never harm a citizen of Camelot again, my husband and I included."

Her expression grew angered.

"You and your husband will never be able to defeat Morgana. Her power surpasses any weapon you could ever wield. The Old Religion will reign again."

Miriam grew pained. This wasn't working.

"Kara," she said as she stood but made no move forward as Percival and Gwaine stood straighter and moved their hands to the hilts of their swords. "This is your last chance. Please, tell me what I wish to know."

"I'd rather be hanged," she spat and Miriam sighed, Merlin placing a hand on her shoulder as her eyes met Mordred's, the knight appearing to be in utter despair.

"Then I am left with no choice. Your sentence stands. Escort her back to the dungeons."

The guards bowed to her before seizing Kara's arms and leading her out of the room.

"Mordred-" she began, but he was already gone from the room.

Gwaine and Merlin then escorted the queen back to her chambers while Percival went to try and track down Mordred.

Miriam had been sitting on her bed as she ate dinner, talking with her husband who was looking over papers at his desk when Mordred entered.

He'd then apologised to his king for assisting the druid girl and in turn, Morgana and the Saxons which Arthur graciously accepted before his knight turned to his queen.

"My lady, Mira, I cannot thank you enough for trying to give Kara a second chance and for accepting me and treating me as your friend and family. It is more than I could ever ask for."


The taste in her mouth was sour as a bad and bitter feeling pricked her heart like a needle and began to spread like a poison.

"Of course, Mordred, but, why are you saying this all of a sudden. It sounds an awful lot like a goodbye," she said as she stood, her emerald dress shimmering in the firelight.

"It's not meant to be. I merely realised that I've never told you how thankful I am for all you've done."

"You needn't thank me at all," she replied, her worry only growing.

"Goodnight, Mira, Arthur," Mordred said with a final bow and Miriam turned to her brother who'd been collecting Arthur's clothes to be laundered.

Seeing his sister's distress, Merlin gave her a curt nod before chasing after Mordred.

And all was well until Merlin interrupted their dinner with news that Mordred planned on helping Kara escape, but by the time they made it to the cells, they were already gone.

"We're searching the citadel," Gwaine reported as the warning bells rang.

"No, they'll be gone. Search the forest. I want them captured," Arthur ordered, having changed into his armour while his wife had her skirts removed and her sword attached to her waist.

"Alive?" Leon asked and Arthur hesitated.

"They are fugitives. The law is clear."

"Oh, ignore that! Of course, he's to be captured alive. Kara's no doubt influencing him and on top of that, he's still our friend," Miriam interrupted.

"Of course, my queen. We'll dispatch as many riders as we can," Leon answered.

"But all personal feelings are to be put aside," Arthur added, his knights nodding before they moved out.

And Miriam prayed to whatever god that listened that it would not end in bloodshed.


Kara had been executed.

Miriam stood under her husband's arm as they'd watch the girl hang from the balcony.

The night hadn't ended in blood but it still ended badly.

Mordred had stood before his friends with his sword drawn, anger in his veins as he prepared to use his magic to get out of the situation, only for Percival to knock him unconscious.

But, before she had been, Arthur had taken Merlin's advice and offered the girl a final chance to change her sentence. And again, she'd denied it.

Soon after, though, it was discovered that Mordred had escaped from his cell, that he'd used his magic to blow his door clean off its hinges.

And now Miriam was left with only the feeling of dread surrounding any thought of Mordred.

Mordred who'd journeyed to Morgana's keep and revealed to her the identity of the sorcerer Emrys.

But Emerie, though he knew who she was, Emerie's identity remained secret.

Not that it made a difference.

Emrys is the one Morgana cared for the most, which was why Miriam burst into Gaius' chambers.

"Where is he?! What happened?!"

"He's here, Mira," Gaius exclaimed as Miriam came running into her old room.

"By gods! Merlin! What happened?" Miriam asked as she sat at his side, hands clasped together.

"Morgana - she - she took my magic," he cried and all she could do was hold her brother.

And it only just dawned on her that there was more at stake to lose now than Arthur and their crown.

Now she could lose everyone.

Love, Faith and FamilyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon