Chapter 93

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Later that night, with a plan in place, though one devoid of sanity, Miriam was seeing to the few people that were injured whilst escaping Camelot, the queen very surprised at the good condition of their wounds and very proud of Leon who she was told treated them.

Though as she prepared to turn in for the night, Arthur approached her with a small bouquet of wildflowers.

"What are these for?" she asked with a surprised smile, except Arthur gave her no answer as he merely kissed her temple and headed off to join the knights in assisting everyone else before they themselves went to bed.

"We match," came Isolde's voice as she approached Miriam, showing her the bouquet of identical wildflowers she had, likely from Tristan.

"It seems we do. How's your wound?"

"Healing, thanks to you," she replied before following Miriam's line of sight to where the king was speaking with his servant. "I owe you an apology."

"For what?" she asked with a raised brow.

"I misjudged you and your husband. He loves you and his kingdom and if there's one thing I believe in, it's love."

"Your apology is accepted but I don't think we've changed much in the eyes of your lover."

"Tristan has never trusted nobles or royals, he's only worried, more for me than himself really, but you might be surprised."

Miriam's smile was small.

"I knew someone like that. He's my best friend. He stayed behind in Camelot so that Arthur and I could get out. He may even be dead now."

"Is he a knight?"

She nodded.

"Arthur made him, and three others knights of Camelot even though they weren't of noble birth."

Isolde smirked.

"Then I have a feeling your friend will be just fine."

The mysterious blonde then made her way over to her lover and their bedrolls for the night as Merlin approached his sister.

"I have a plan to get rid of Morgana's magic," he whispered, and her eyes widened.

"Please tell me that it doesn't involve you sneaking into Camelot where Morgana and her army of mercenaries are?"

Merlin grinned.

"I won't be doing the sneaking though, Emrys will."

"Oh, for god's sake, Merlin! You are –"

"Look, yell at me later, just please tell me if you have any of that anti-aging potion in Gaius' chambers?"

She sighed.

"I can do you one better."

Digging through the bag she slung off her shoulder, Miriam produced a small vial filled with a light blue liquid.

"You have the tendency to transform into Emrys whenever it has something to do with Morgana, so, I thought it was a good idea to have some in my emergency stash. I only have one dose though, so don't break it or lose it," she explained as she handed it to him.

"You're brilliant!" he exclaimed as he kissed her cheek. "I'll be back by morning!" he promised as he ran off.

"You better be!"

She shook her head at her brother as Arthur then approached her, the flowers still in her hand.

"You should be getting some sleep," he pointed out as he took the bag she was about to swing onto her shoulder.

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