Chapter 73

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Many voices called her name as they all burst into Gaius' chambers.

"What happened?! Who's injured?!" she asked worriedly as she moved away from the books she was reading to face her brother flanked by the knights of the round table.

"No one is injured," Merlin assured her.

"Save for the king of Carleon who was killed by Arthur in cold blood," Gwaine blurted as Merlin smacked his head.

"You can't just dump it on her like that," he scolded.

"Wait, but I thought Arthur was going to get the king to sign a treaty, broker peace like there was when Uther was king?"

"He did offer a treaty," Elyan said.

"He just didn't fight for Carleon to sign it as he normally would've," Percival continued.

"No, he just killed Carleon for refusing to sign," Gwaine piped up, this time ducking the smack Merlin went to give him.

"And now Carleon's queen has marched her army across Camelot's borders, and rather than make peace, Arthur means to fight," Leon added as one of Miriam's hands rested on her hip and the other on her lips.

"Ok, but uh, I don't see why you're telling me this. I mean, I can fight but-"

"No, Mira. that's not why we're telling you this," Merlin said. "We need your help, we need you to talk to Arthur."

"Merlin -"

"Wildfire, all of us are here because you are the only one that can make him see sense," Gwaine interrupted.

"I'll talk to him," she relented. "But I make no promises, you know how stubborn he is."

"Thank you, Mira, that's all we ask because you are infinitely more stubborn than he is," Merlin said before he turned to see the knights that had all kneeled before her.

"Long live the future queen," Leon called.

"Long live the future queen," the echoed and Miriam could help but laugh.

"I am no queen, so get up you idiots."

She was then squeezed into a hug by the four knights, barely able to breathe under all that chainmail and muscle.

"Alright, alright. Let her go before you smother your future queen," Merlin said as he smiled.

"I'll let you knuckleheads know how it goes," Miriam said as she breathed deep breaths.

And with that, she walked out of the room.


"About time Merlin. That bed's not going to prepare itself," Arthur said, his back to Miriam as she entered.

"Not Merlin," she replied as Arthur spun.

"Miriam," he said in surprise. "I've been meaning to see you."

"Well, your knights found me first. They told me what happened, what will happen."

Arthur's expression was pained.

"Miriam, please -"

"Arthur, your heart is as good as mine and I know that you can feel that this isn't right."

"You know nothing of the decisions I face! Of what it means to be king!"

"I know enough!" she shouted back, understanding that Arthur was on edge, but not accepting of him shouting at her. "I'm only trying to help you, Arthur. After all, I'm to be making these decisions with you one day."

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