Chapter 94

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Three years.

For three years Camelot had been a place of peace and joy and prosperity and for its queen, she couldn't believe how quickly that time had passed.

However, that time had clearly come to an end.

Two knights of the round table, a group now triple, even quadruple the size of what it originally was, a massive round table replacing the rectangular one in the war room, were missing.

Their meetings were typically ones of laughter especially when one of the missing knights would battle the brother of the queen for the last seat at her side.

And you could feel their absences too.

For six weeks Gwaine and Percival had been lost to the cold winter wastelands of the North, a place called Ismere.

Elyan had led a search party after them, only to find no trace of them at all. It was as if they'd been wiped from the face of the earth.

Which was why Miriam now stood with her husband, brother, Gaius, Elyan and Leon, their privy council, in their chambers, pouring over a map as Elyan explained what they found.

"We know Gwaine and his men crossed the pass here, at Isulfor, but beyond that, there was no trace. The trail went cold," Elyan said.

"And what of this story that the fortress of Ismere has been occupied once more?" Arthur asked.

"I heard many rumours, sire. All of them had one name in common – Morgana," Elyan informed, and a dark cloud seemed to settle across the room.

"Then we have no time to lose," Arthur said as he stood straight.

"Whether the rumours are true, sire, you may be walking into a trap," Gaius pointed out.

"The knights of Camelot do not abandon their own."

"Morgana knows that. She'll be waiting for you," Gaius replied.

"These men fought for me, bled for me –"

"Arthur, what about this?" Miriam interrupted. "What if we take a different route? What if we approach Ismere from the west?"

"Through Annis's lands?"

"It would certainly take Morgana by surprise," Gaius pointed out.

"Would Annis grant safe passage to so many armed men?" Arthur asked.

"I believe she would sire," Leon replied.

"Dispatch a rider-"

"Don't. I'll go myself. I haven't seen Annis in a while, and this is urgent," Miriam interrupted again.


"Arthur," she returned, fixing him with a look that dared him to challenge her, and he did.

"We've had this discussion. Both of us cannot be away from Camelot for so long with no certainty of returning."

She crossed her arms over her chest, the embodiment of the nickname wildfire in her red dress with golden embellishments and her crown fitted on her head.

"We are equals, Arthur. And that is my best friend out there, I have every right to go after him as you do."

"Yes, but we've suspected that there are spies among us for months. You have the best judgement and instinct of us all. And with just you here, gives you more of a chance to find them."

She scowled at him.

"Fine. But I'll write to Annis myself. And at the first sign of danger, I'm coming after you."

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