Chapter 60

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"It's just me!" Arthur exclaimed in a hushed whisper as he held up his hands in surrender, his back against a stone pillar as Miriam held her knife to his throat.

"Don't scare me like that Arthur," she sighed as she tucked it back under her corset, the boy having pulled her aside on her trek through the castle.

"Believe me, I've learned my lesson," Arthur sighed before he looked at her adoration filled his eyes. "Now, my father believes that my feelings for you are the result of an enchantment."

"And are your feelings for me the result of an enchantment?" Miriam asked with a raised brow.

"Well, we both know that's a lie," he smirked before seriousness washed over his face as he cupped her cheek. "But it is safer for you if we let others continue to believe it."

Miriam nodded before voicing a question that had been burning inside her since she was pardoned.

"What you said to your father, would you really have given up your place on the throne for me?"

"I still would," Arthur said without a second's hesitation and Miriam wrapped her arms around him, a whole weight lifting from Arthur's body as he held the woman he loved in his arms.

"You are full of surprises, Arthur Pendragon, but your people need you more than I do. They need you to be their king."

"And I need you by my side," he persisted, hands still on her waist as they looked at each other.

"And when you become king and change these ridiculous customs, you won't be able to remove me from your side. Until then, we will have to love each other from afar."

Arthur leaned in for a kiss, but Miriam placed her fingers on his lips, his eyes opening in confusion as Miriam smiled, happy but pained.

"Life-threatening events only, remember? I'll see you later."

Arthur's gaping smile was one of disbelief and amazement at her audacity.

She'd make a perfect queen.



She had to admit that she flinched at the sound of that voice, for the last time she heard it, it sentenced her to death by fire.

"My lord," she greeted as she dropped into a curtsey as he approached her in the corridor.

"Where are you off to this morning?" he asked, a hand resting casually on his sword hilt.

"Um, deliveries, my lord. With all the...excitement, I'm behind on delivering remedies to many of my patients," she answered with visible anxiety.

"Ah, I see. I won't keep you then. I only wanted to apologise for what was done to you, especially on my part. You were right, you have saved my life and Arthur's and I repaid you horribly for it. You have my deepest apologies."

Miriam's smile was forced with every fibre of her being.

"Of course, my lord. It's already forgiven."

"Excellent," he said as he patted her shoulder and went on his way and Miriam's legs went out as she hugged a stone pillar.

"Merlin," she whispered as she struggled to breathe, eyes lining with tears as she heard footsteps running towards her.

"Mira?" Merlin asked worriedly as he crouched by her, a hand on the same shoulder Uther touched as she flinched again and struggled to swallow air.

"Merlin, I -"

"It's ok. You're safe. I'm here and I won't let anything happen to you. You're ok, Mira," Merlin promised as he cradled her head to his shoulder.

"Uther. Merlin, Uther was going to kill me," she sobbed.

"Hey, look at me. Look at me," Merlin instructed as he tilted her head back, forcing her glossy blue eyes to stare up at him. "It's ok. Remember what Kilgharrah and the Fisher King said? Your heart will never steer you wrong. So, tell me, does your heart say Uther is dangerous?"

Miriam's body stilled as she seemed to come to a realisation.

"No. I d-don't like him, but I don't have a bad feeling about him."

"I understand that you're scared because of what happened, because of the power he wields over you, but Kanen held the same power and yet you stood up to him. Relentlessly."

Her expression was forlorn, off in the distance.

"I wasn't in love with his son."

Merlin's heart broke for her as he kissed her temple.

"And neither of us are going to let anything happen to you. That's a promise." 

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