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The gun went off, causing the group to duck down in a panic.

"What the-" Pope yelled, still keeping a firm grip on the wheel. His eyes were wide and his hands were almost white from gripping onto it.

The curly haired girl screamed in shock. "Holy shit!" She yelled as she looked over at the rest of the group. "Are they insane?"

As the men kept shooting, the group kept ducking, trying to save their lives. Elle's breath hitched. Her hand squeezing onto JJ so hard that her knuckles turned purple. She shut her eyes tightly as to avoid the surrounding reality around them.

"We're gonna die." Elle mumbled. Her hair flew into her face as she looked down at the floor of the boat. Gunshots filled the air, yet all the girl could hear was the constant ringing in her ears.

JJ squeezed her hand tightly, pulling her closer into him as he did so. "We'll be fine. It's fine." He said, looking up at Pope, who was still trying to drive. "Floor it, man!"

The short haired boy nodded aggressively before going faster. No matter what though, the men continued to follow.

Small tears formed in Elle's eyes. Her mind flooded with the things she wished that she had said. I wish I told my mom I love her she thought. Even though her mom treated her like she was nothing, part of Elle still wanted to be validated by her mother. She still loved her, even if Lorelai didn't feel the same.

I wish I drank. A least a few more times.

I wish I wasn't such a coward.

I wish I told JJ-

The HMS Pogue took a swift turn before Kie quickly stood up, moving through the group of teens while simultaneously trying to avoid her death.

She grabbed a rope with a buoy and threw it into the water behind them. Just as the men were about to shoot again, the boat got stuck on the buoy and stopped.

"Oh my god." Elle said, cautiously standing up. JJ let her go from their huddle, but kept a firm hold on her hand. Their fingers intertwined, afraid of loosing each other. Holding onto each other like it's the only thing keeping them stable.

John B held his hand, glancing around at the shaken-up group. "Are you guys okay?"

Slowly, everyone chuckled, just happy to be alive. "Booyeah!" JJ chanted, a smile crossing his face. "Pogue god, man!" He said, slightly shaking the girl next to him.

And they drove off. Lucky enough to still be in one piece.


They quickly climbed onto the dock at The Château. Anticipation filled the air as JJ helped Elle and Kie off the boat.

"Thanks." Elle mumbled before standing next to John B. JJ quickly followed, leaning up against a wooden pillar next to the blonde girl.

John B swiftly unzipped the bag, reaching around inside to feel for anything good.

The curly haired girl jumped up onto the railing and sat. Her hair fell down her back as she leaned over John B's shoulder. "What do you think it is?"

"Gotta be money, right?" The brunette replied, still rummaging through the bag.

JJ jumped off the pillar and hovered over John B, patting his back as he glanced around the group. "That or a couple of keys with street value to the low-to-mid - mills!" He chanted as Elle stood next to him.

The girl leaned on her knees, trying hard not to scream at her friends to just open the bag. Luckily, Pope took the words straight from her mouth. "Can we please just open the bag?" Pope said, a sudden outburst that caused everyone to look up.

"Wow, Pope. That's a rare outburst of emotion."

Pope looked at the group guiltily before moving his hand in a swift motion. "Okay. You guys are literally killing me with anticipation. Just open the bag!"

The brunette grabbed a silver canister out of the bag, and twisted the top off. The Pogues watched in silence, as John B dumped the item onto his hand.

A old compass fell out and into his hand. He flipped the top open, revealing exactly what it looked like. Nothing but an old compass.

Pope stood up and turned around, obviously annoyed. "Oh, wow. Yup. That's about right. Good job everybody. We found a compass."

The blonde boy took his hat off in disappointment. He looked down at Elle, who's eyes were still on John B, looking at him sympathetically.

"Dude what? Its not worth anything."

Elle glared at JJ before looking back at the brunette. "Maybe it's, like, an expensive compass? Maybe it's worth lots." She said, trying to reassure John B. She knew it wasn't true, but she also knew how excited he was.

Nonetheless, John B didn't take his eyes off the compass. The wind blew silently around them, as JJ and Elle exchanged confused glances.

A small smiled tugged at the corner of John B's mouth.

"This was my father's."


Elle walked home, JJ at her side. He usually never let her walk home, especially since they all live on the cut. Never know when you could get pickpocketed or just straight up shot at, apparently.

She kicked the rocks with her feet. The pebbles bounced off her converse, leaving dark marks on the white parts of the navy-blue shoes.

"I can't believe it's Big John's." She said, a tone of disbelief in her voice. "I mean, what are the chances."

JJ copied her. His shoes launching pebbles as they walked. "I won't deny it, it's freaky."

"Exactly! And, obviously, those guys on the marsh were shooting at us for a reason, right? Like why would you shoot at a bunch of teens, unless they have something of value?"

His eyebrow raised, slightly confused. "Sounds like your buying into JB's theories." He said, the slight sound of mockery in his tone. "Maybe concocting?"

"Look, I feel bad for John B as much as the rest of us. Maybe even more, if I dare say. But, he's got a point. Why would a bunch of idiotic teenagers get shot at. Not like we had gold or anything."

The boy leaned his hand on her shoulders and steered her towards her front porch. "Concocting, concocting, concocting." He said in a sing-song voice.

"Whatever." She said, rolling her eyes as she pulled on the canvas backpack that hung on her shoulder. "I'm just saying. Maybe he's right." She said while putting her hands up in defense.

He saluted to her as she walked into the screened-in porch. "Cya, E." He said as he walked back. "I'll make sure to tell Mrs. Lana you said hi!"

She laughed and waved him off. "Tell her I wish I was there, and im sorry for her loss!" She yelled, making sure Lana Grubbs knew of her condolences.

"So you say 'Hi'." He said, smirking back at her. "Alright, adios!"



hey again ;)

i. love. them. i. want. what. they. have.

i hope the gun scene made you all have heart attacks <3

okay goodbye goodnight love u

xx kay

𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐃𝐄 , 𝐣. 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 ⁽¹⁾Where stories live. Discover now