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Gemma's POV

I RUN a few errands the next morning, before deciding to grab breakfast at the bakery. Audrey isn't there. But I still enjoy my coffee and muffin.

After breakfast, I take a walk into town. There's a lot that's different, and a lot that's the same, "Gemma!"

Claire waves at me, as she walks next to two other girls, presumably her friends. They're probably heading to school.

I wave back and smile. She continues on her walk, and I head into a boutique. I need to pick up some clothes, since I'm going to be in town longer than I anticipated.

Looking through the racks, a few things catch my eye. I pick out a few pairs of jeans and shirts. Heading over to the counter to pay, I recognize someone I went to school with. I'm hoping that she doesn't recognize me, cause I really don't like her.

"Good choices. You're the modest type," I nod and stay silent, as she scans my items, "that'll be $179.50, honey."

I hand her my card, and she swipes it on her machine, "thanks," she hands me my card back, and the shopping bags.

I head out as quickly as possible, and almost topple onto someone on the sidewalk, "easy there," the woman giggles and looks at me amused, as I compose myself.

"Sorry, didn't see you there," I realize that it's Penny. She narrows her eyes, and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Were you running away from Helen? I assume you still despise her, even after all these years," how does she know about my feud with Helen? "We all went to school together. I can't believe you don't remember me."

"I'm sorry. It's been so long."

"Okay... I was the girl who sat behind you in Biology. Glasses, and size sixteen jeans," Biology... I had one friend in that stupid class.

"Oh. I do remember you. I'm sorry it took me so long to," she grins at me, "you've lost a lot of weight. I'm impressed," I inhale deeply, "not that you haven't always been attractive."

"Ha, thanks. You're not too bad yourself. I'm going to be late for work. But I'll see you around, Gemma."

She waves, as she walks away. I huff out a breath, looking at her disappear in the distance. Penny and I weren't close friends in highschool. But she has always been nice. I think she leant me a pencil once.

I walk back to the bakery to retrieve my car from the parking next door. I'm tempted to get lunch there, but I decide to head back to my room to drop off my stuff, and go to a nice restaurant instead. I might as well treat myself.

"YOU'VE BEEN in and out a lot. How are you doing?" I notice Veronica standing by the doorframe of my bedroom. I left it open, since I'm just dropping off the bags. And maybe change into something nicer for the restaurant.

"Oh. I'm fine. I'm heading right back out to grab something to eat."

"Okay. I'm wondering if you want to have dinner with us tonight? It's something special that I do for my guests every week."

"Really? That's nice of you. I'm not sure if I'm going to eat dinner after I eat such a heavy lunch though."

She leans against the doorframe, and crosses her ankles. My eyes travel down her long legs, and back up to her eyes. When she smirks at me, I want to hit my forehead against the nearest wall. I guess she caught me staring.

I clear my throat, and look away.

"That's fine. You can still join us for some small talk, and have some salad. I want to get to know you better."

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