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Gemma's POV

WITH THE bop of my hip, I flick my paintbrush against the white canvas in front of me. I went to an art supply store, and picked up a few things. Now, I'm moving my paintbrush to the beat of the music in my ears, while something very abstract appears in front of me.

Veronica's been busy with paperwork, while stressing about someone who made a reservation for four rooms for tonight, and now wants a refund. It's all a part of business, but now she has four empty rooms that could have been filled already.

Veronica taps my shoulder, and pulls an earbud from my ear, "is this my headphone?"

"Yeah, you mind?"

Veronica kisses my lips, and pulls the other side out of my ear, "yes, because I need them," she unplugs the cord from my phone, and swings the headphones around her neck, "I'll be cleaning upstairs in case you need me."

I watch her walk away. That woman has a sexy walk. I look at my unfinished creation, and decide to continue without any music. I'll just sing in my head.

By the time, my hands are going numb, and I'm in dire need to pee, I've got a weird looking painting in front of me. I place the brush down, stretch my arms, and head to the bathroom to relieve myself.

After, I walk into the kitchen to get myself something to drink. You know, replenishing what I discarded. The doorbell rings, and usually no one uses it, so it's either a new guest, or some stranger looking for directions.

I decide to answer the door, since Veronica's upstairs, "Gemma, hey," Jack's standing in front of me with his mother beside him. What are they doing here? "Can we come in?"

I'd like to refuse. But I can't bring myself to be rude, "sure," I let them walk in. And I lead them into the living room. That's what you do, right? Take someone to the living room to talk? "I'll get you two something to drink."

I head into the kitchen to find a bottle of wine. I need something to take the edge off. Jack follows me, "Gemma, I need to ask you a favor, "his voice is low, as though he doesn't want anyone else but me to hear him.

"Um, depends on what it is," I say.

"I know that my mom has put you through a lot, and..." he sighs, "she's not the easiest person to deal with."

"Yeah?" I pour myself a glass of wine, while listening to him.

"But she's just emotionally retarded," Jack mutters, "she feels guilty, and I think it would be good if you two could forgive each other."

"That's what you two came here for? Forgiveness?" I huff out a breath. God, save me.

"More like letting go of the shitty stuff, and maybe being friends?" He has a nervous look on his face. I'd be nervous too, coming here and telling me that I should forgive someone who has time and time again given me reason to never talk to them again.

"I can't be friends with her. We have nothing in common. I was only her friend back then, because..." it almost slips out of my mouth so easily.

"I know about you two. She finally told me."

"You know?" I raise a brow, "whatever, I don't care what you know. I don't want to be a part of your problems, Jack."

"I'm not asking you to," he places the palm of his hand against his forehead and sighs, "you two have been holding onto the past for long enough. It's time to—"

"Dude," I lift my hand and walk into the living room, towards Sabrina, "what have you told him?" I ask her, so that I can respond without having to hold anything back.

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