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Veronica's POV

GEMMA'S BEEN looking at houses all morning. She's determined to find somewhere to live by the end of the week. But all I want is to wake up to her soft snoring every morning.

I wipe the tiredness from my eyes, and pour myself a cup of coffee.

When the doorbell rings, I walk to the door, cup in hand, not expecting the person that's standing in front of me, "Luke," I almost drop the cup, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm visiting my parents, thought I'd drop by. They asked about you."

I gulp. Nancy and Phil Poloski have nothing nice to say about me ever since I broke their son's heart. Why would they ask about me?

"Oh. Wow. I haven't seen you since..."

"Can I come in?" He asks.

I nod. We walk inside. He's wearing a suit. A nice suit. He's always in a suit.

"You want coffee? Water?"

"Coffee would be nice. As long as it's the Colombian one I've always loved."

I head to the kitchen, knowing he'll follow me. Gosh, what's he doing here? After all this time? I haven't seen him since we finalized the divorce. That's over ten years ago.

"Here," I hand him the cup.

"I like this place. Nice to see what you did with the divorce settlement."

He drinks his coffee. I suck in a breath, not knowing what to say, or how to say it.

"Babe, I think I found the perfect place," Gemma walks in, stopping in her tracks when she sees Luke, "oh, sorry, didn't realize that you have company."

"Oh, no, it's fine. I'm Luke Poloski."

He stretches out his hand. Gemma walks closer and takes it, "Gemma. Gemma Cohen," their brief handshake ends, "I can let you two... talk. I'll be—"

"No need. I was just dropping in to invite Veronica to my wedding. Thought this would be better than some impersonal, mailed invitation. But the invitations are lovely. You'll still get one," he places his coffee cup onto the counter, "Becky, my fiancée, would actually like us to have dinner. You can join us too Gemma."

"You're getting married? That's... wow, I'm happy for you. Really happy," I say. Gemma looks at me with that questioning gaze of hers.

"Tomorrow at Tilly's?"

I nod, "yeah. I'd love to meet her."

"Great. I should get going. But can't wait for tomorrow. I'll make a reservation at 11:30. I can see myself out."

When I hear the front door close, I let out the breath I've been holding for way too long.

"Who was that?" Gemma asks, grabbing his used coffee cup, and placing it into the sink, "Veronica?"

"My ex husband."

I walk into the bathroom, and splash water onto my face. I'm happy for Luke. He deserves someone to love him. But seeing him brings up all the guilt that I've tried to bury over the years.

Gemma's POV

VERONICA HAS been quiet since earlier today. We're watching tv, but the tv seems to be watching her. She's in deep thought, I can tell. What is she thinking about?

"Are you okay?" I ask, as I lean against her shoulder. She embraces me with her arms, holding onto me tensely.

"I don't know," Veronica mumbles, "you're coming with me tomorrow?" She asks.

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