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Sabrina's POV

I'VE KNOWN that Gemma's been back in town. How come she didn't come see me? Well, I know that she's been avoiding me for the past twenty years.

I'm happy that I noticed her at the fair. Even after all this time, she still seems nervous around me. How's that possible? I wish she didn't butcher her hair like that though. She's always had beautiful, long hair.

Ever since she left this town, she's changed a lot about herself.

It's strange not to see her with a crop top and ripped jeans. She'd always show off her body, now she's become modest it seems.

My phone begins to ring, and my heart leaps. Is it Gemma? Looking at the caller's ID, I can't say that I'm not a bit disappointed.

"Mom, are you still coming over for dinner tonight?" It's Eleanor on the line. I almost forgot about our plans.

"Yeah. I'll leave in a few hours. Need me to pick anything up?"

"No, I've got everything covered. Jack's even helping me in the kitchen."

"Oh, really. Maybe I should pick up something for backup then—" I laugh.

"I'm keeping a watchful eye on him. Don't worry. I'll see you later."

"Okay, bye," I hang up and sigh. There's not much to do with myself these days. I'm a widow, and the mother of a grown man. It gets really lonely sometimes.

I've waited to be alone for so long, but I didn't realize that it would be like this.

Friends always seem to come and go. And men don't stick around for women my age anymore. As for women, I've only had a few flings over the years, including Gemma.

I can't find myself settling down with a woman. It's not the honorable thing to do, in my opinion. And what would people think?

As much as I would love to not care, I do. I'll be a grandmother someday, and can't allow myself to be in an unorthodox relationship.

I shower, get dressed and grab my purse. Before heading out the door, I look at myself in the mirror. I'm nowhere near what I once looked like. My skin's slowly becoming more and more elastic as the years wear on, not that I've ever been that pretty to begin with.

I think my ambition has always been the best thing about me. I'm sure it's the only thing that men are really attracted to when they date me. Or maybe I am pretty in their eyes. But I don't go off pretty. I'd like to think I have more depth than that.

Gemma lacked self-confidence when she was younger. Maybe that's why she's dated so many older women, at least that's what I heard. She's probably the one dating younger women now, since the tables have turned.

I get into my car, and reverse out of the driveway. I wonder if she's staying at her grandfather's house. I'm pretty sure I remember how to find it. But I won't go over there. I'll never come off as desperate to her.

I decide to stop at the convenient store, and pick up a nice bottle of wine. The kids only have shitty whiskey and beer. Jack picked up on some of his father's drinking habits. Thankfully, in a moderate manner.

I look at the woman beside me in the aisle. She smiles and says, "hey, I saw you yesterday."

I furrow my brows, "you did?"

"Yeah, at the fair," I admire her pretty face for a bit. She seems to be in her thirties. But she's gorgeous. Not that I'm all that into women. But I can take the time to appreciate beauty, "you were getting your face painted. And talking to Gemma."

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