akhir kata🎭

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To my dearest,

Wah,tak sangka finally i dapat siapkan 100 days with you. Walaupun adalah juga halangan nak siapkan cerita ni. So this is the end of the story.

I'm truly sorry,for my readers yang mengharapkan happy ending. Don't worry,i sendiri pun menangis waktu tulis cerita ni.

So,disebabkan ramai gila minta i buat happy ending,i got a kinda good news for you guys? Ni kalau eh kalau. I cakap siap-siap JANGAN LETAK HARAPAN TINGGI.

Kalau one day i rajin (doakanlah) maybe i akan rombak balik story line 100 days with you and make it a happy ending. Which is Hera still hidup and Que,Herryl,Hera got a happy ever after ending😇

But,i'm going to make is as an e-book maybe. So apa-apa i akan update on my ig nanti.

Then,i nak cakap thank you kepada semua readers yang sudi baca cerita kuban-kuban i ni. I really appriciate you guys❤️ All the votes and comments are meaningful for me❤️

I'm sorry if i tak reply your comments or whatever. To be honest,i'm an introvert person irl. So it's kinda hard and awkward bcs idk how to communicate with others😭👎🏻

Also,thank you kepada semua pihak yang tolong i dalam process nak siapkan story ni. Especially,my material gworlsss and anak ii tadika mesra🥰 Even hari-hari i kena bebel dengan diorang sebab nk buat sad ending punya pasal😌

Sekali lagi i ucapkan thank you❤️


Yang minat Harraz sila angkat tangan!!!

You guys gonna get his story,in bestfriends series. Bila nak pub? Belum tahu tapi dalam minggu ni juga. Bagi i rehat dari sedih cerita Que and Hera ni kejap.

You guys can get the spoiler from my ig (macam biasa). Sebab i memang akan post dekat situ dulu.

So,yahhh. See you guys in bestfriends series👀

Your lovely,doody💗

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