chapter 26

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I'm headed straight for the castle
They wanna make me their queen
And there's an old man sitting on the throne
That's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean
I'm headed straight for the castle
They've got the kingdom locked up
And there's an old man sitting on the throne
That's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut

I was anxious. Today was the first time in a long time that I would have to face Candace again. With me being the key witness that would land her behind bars for a long time to come.
My lawyer sat beside me in a sharp dark grey suit. He exuded confidence. I wish I was as confident right now. Looking back over my shoulder, there it was. My confidence, my comfort, my support. I was not alone in this. Maman looked at me with a smile adorning her face. I couldn't help but give a smile back.

This was the final trial and luckily the only trial I had to be a part of.
Before I knew it, a door opened and in walked Candace. She was escorted by two officers towards her own lawyer. Our eyes connected and I knew the look she held for me. Contempt. Disgust.

I did not look away from her. I was raised to be stronger. I was raised to not fear her. Looking at her overall, she had lost weight. Her hair was not as shiny as I remembered and her face was slightly sunken in, probably from the withdrawal symptoms.

Her eyes moved from me, to behind me. Kiel and Lee to be precise. She squinted her eyes in a confused manner. As if she recognised they were people she had known, but no longer knowing who they exactly were.

"All rise." Was ordered. With that everyone stood as the judge walked into the room and commanded attention.

"You may be seated. Court is now in session. We are here today for the case of The State of Florida Versus Candace Lahani. This is a criminal case, Charging the defendant, Candace Lahani on various accounts. First degree child abuse, child prostitution, First degree child neglect, forced drug abuse on a minor. Attempted murder in the first degree. How does the defendant plead?"

Candace cleared her throat. "Not guilty, your honour."
"Alright, prosecution may begin."
My lawyer straightened his blazer before standing.
I was the only one that had not yet taken the stand. The key witness to her crimes.

"I would like to call the final witness, Miss Adelaide DiMartino, to the stand." With that I slowly rose and took a seat on the witness stand after being sworn in. As I sat down, I felt everyone's eyes on me. The judge, the jury, everyone in the audience. But the most intimidating stare was Candace's. As she kept on staring I could feel the tendrils of my past come back to life. Its whispers taunt my flesh by taking physical form. I felt it grabbing me, all around me, with its despicable hands. It was suffocating.

"Miss Adelaide, what is your relation with the defendant?" My lawyer started.
"She is my birth mother."
"And you were eight years old when she gained full custody of you, is that correct?"
"If you could formulate in a few simple words or phrases, how would you describe your time spent with the defendant?"
"A person's worst nightmare. Hell on earth."
"And why is that? What happened that makes you think like that?"
"Objection, Your honour! Speculation!" "Overruled! Please answer the question."
"She scarred my body. She gave me Gynophobia. I still wake up with nightmares from all the cruel things she has done to me."
"Ladies and gentlemen, exhibit A, pictures of what the young miss's body looked like."

Pictures that maman had made were being shown. The bruises that still had not fully healed. The scars on my limbs and lastly a picture of my back. My entire back with each and every whipmark and words branded into it. I knew they were there, I knew they existed. But looking at them in a photo was very different from trying to look at them through a mirror. My family's faces were either of disgust, hate and or anger. Hopefully not directed at me.

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