Taking Responsibility. Web of Realization For All.

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It was the next morning, Will was asleep in his bed, the Spider-Man costume he wore last night.....correction....that he stole and wore last night was tucked subtly under his bed. He started to wake up slowly, groaning from his slumber. He could feel a slight amount of soreness from the battle he went through. Who would ever guess that heroics like what he went through would be so exhausting. He then sighed as he stretched his body out to relieve some of the stress he felt earlier and then looked at the costume underneath his bed. He stared at it sadly knowing exactly what he had to do. He first grabbed his backpack and stuffed it in his bag. "Well.....guess I gotta fulfill my promise I made...." He mumbled to himself as he put the backpack strap over his shoulder. "God I can just tell that he won't be too happy with me......" He then walked out of the house and out to the neighborhood, deciding to go on foot instead of car. He had a feeling that Peter would never let him see the light of day, so if it meant he could spend his final moments in the outside world, he was going to take his time with it. He took his time doing so of course, because he knew he wasn't going to run away from this. He refused to run away like how he did against Fisk's Fists men so many times. He was going to own up to this, and he was going to own up to it proudly.....well, as proudly as he could. 

As he walked down the streets of Harlem one last time, Will watched the people stare at their phones or televisions at stores and restaurants. Everyone was busy watching the news that happened to be on. News about how Spider-Man had stopped an attack led by some dangerous men from Fisk's Fists, as well as Wilson Fisk himself and his accomplices with an unknown bomb with an illegal chemical. Everyone in the city was talking about how Spider-Man had saved them from a massive disaster, and how they found Fisk to be corrupt, but they could do absolutely nothing about it given some of the laws he had in the city now. However, they felt a tiny bit safer knowing that Spidey had saved them once again, just like how he always used to. "Heh......what a moment that was......to hear the praise of everyone who was grateful that someone had saved them from something as big as that." He said to himself thinking about all he did. It wasn't the Avengers who saved the day in New York, it wasn't the X-Men, it wasn't the Fantastic 4 or even some cosmic or magical being like The Silver Surfer or Dr. Strange. It was him....this punk nobody kid, who had just gotten these powers and barely any clue how to use them completely.....he saved the day. With his powers, his skills, and his willpower. Even if it cost him everything, he was proud of himself for taking a stand. Along the way, he continued hos walk down the street, knowing exactly where he was going, exactly what he was going to say and do, and especially what he was going to go through.

During this walk, Gwen was walking toward him, staring at him in awe and sheer joy. "W-Will...." She said quietly, her hand covering her mouth slightly. She dropped her books for the first time and ran over to him and tackled him into a tight hug. "You're alright! You made it out safe!" She shouted out with tears in her eyes. "Thank goodness....I was so worried that something bad happened to you...." 

The curly haired boy's eyes widened at her concern and the tight hug. He slowly wrapped his arms around her and didn't let go of her. "Yeah I'm fine. That Spider-Man was able to save me in time. At most I'm just a little sore from all that happened." He told her as he looked down at her. If he was being a hundred percent honest, one of the things he was going to miss the absolute most was going to be the strawberry blonde in his arms. "I'm so sorry you got involved in that mess last night......you didn't deserve it..." He apologized to her genuinely.

Gwen looked up at her with tears slightly pouring down her cheeks. "D-don't be sorry for that.....I wanted to help you a little.....I even took some videos of their operation and gave it to some of the news media around the city thanks to inside sources from my father....Thanks to that, I was able to give these to reliable news sources such as the Daily Bugle, Daily Rant and so many more!" She told him while showing him images of the chaos she went through on her phone. "Now that there's evidence of his misdeeds, the city will be keeping a sharper eye out for anything that scummy tyrant will try in the future." She explained to him knowingly. 

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