Big Day! Will And Gwen's Cooking Night!

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The very next morning, after the fun day the curly haired boy had with his friends, Will woke up rather Iiquicker than normal. His first move was to kick the sheets off of his bed and sprint off of the bed. His first decision he had to make was what would he wear for this day? Did he want to look super nice to impress her father, or would he dress casually to try and express who he was to them? He figured somewhere in the middle was fine. So his choice of clothing was a casual t-shirt with nothing on it, some nicer shorts, and his best black and red shoes. It was casual and at the same time something nice that he rarely wore unless he had to. With this, he checked the mirror and slightly readjusted his hair to make it look a little less sloppy. Once he was done with that, the curly haired boy walked down the street, bag on his shoulder with his costume tucked safely inside and prepared for his special day. That's when a thought hit him. He had plenty of time to kill. He may as well get some Spidey time in. He instinctively walked toward a small alleyway and went to get changed.

After an hour, a group of Fisk's Fists agents were bringing in a large shipment of the illegal chemical, now known to be called Mutegene and went to bring it to their trucks. Mutegene was meant to help enhance strength, but in exchange their appearance could drastically change forever. Such as the case with Richard Fisk as of two or three weeks ago. "Would you all hurry up and get these in before something bad happens?" One asks nervously, looking around frantic about being out in the open the way they were.

Another grunt groaned as he carried a vat of the Mutegene. "I don't see YOU comin over to help lift this heavy junk! How much worse would it possibly get for us?!" He asked his nervous ally.

"Oh I dunno. Some of it gets on ya, it starts to pour down rain while you're busy workin, or someone brave, bold and dashing stops these illegal actions!" Spider-Man calls out dramatically, doing all he could to intimidate them.

Each of the Fisk's Fists men aimed their guns toward their adversary in an attempt to shoot him down. "It's Spider-Man!  Him now before he can stop us!" They call out while trying desperately to shoot down the every so agile hero.

Spidey smirked under his mask while dodging attacks left and right. With his enhanced senses, he knew he could dodge them with his eyes closed. "Aw isn't it so nice to know my adoring public always like to be prepared for me? I'm touched! So much so that I won't totally humiliate you guys!" He joked while moving toward the enemy ahead of him. With that, he first punched one of the men, knocking him out instantly. He then shot out a web at one of the guns and threw it at a guy behind him with incredible reflexes. "Well....maybe just a little bit of humiliation." He stated as he kicked another guy in the stomach and another in the chest. He then grabbed hold of another in front of him and threw him at the slowly decreasing number of Fisk's Fists men. One got close to shooting him, but Will was able to jam up the gun with webbing faster than he could comprehend. He then jumped to the final guy and held him by the brim of his shirt. "So? Any chance you wanna give up now?" He asked as he saw a phone sitting by him. A perfect opportunity to make a call from it.

Back at Fisk Tower, both Wilson and Richard Fisk sat at the desk, writing down more for their plans to make more of their super soldier serum. Specifically, the kinds of soldiers they'd want for their plans and the tactics they would use. Not long after, they hear the phone ring and get ready to answer, putting it on speaker phone so both people could hear. "This is Mayor Wilson Fisk." He answered sounding a little bored.

"It's nice to know that your little goon squad have you on speed dial." They hear Spider-Man on the phone, their eyes widening from hearing him sound so smug. "It's also good to know you're not afraid to stoop so low as to basically order this Mutegene stuff. You as mayor truly was such a great idea. Now it'll give people a better idea of the kind of person you really are." He stated boldly before hanging up.

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