Wrath Of The Earth's Core!

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That same night, the villain named Core walked along the city streets, searching for any signs of the web head. However, no luck given exactly where he was searching. Or at least that was his theory. But one thing he did know was that he would show up at the first sign of trouble. But he didn't want to cause any trouble given his looks now. Especially since he had the powers he had now. He didn't even know if he had much more aside from the strength and magma body. He didn't bother experimenting with his powers since he wasn't going to have them for long. At least that was his end goal plan. If this worked out the way he wanted to, he would be reverted to normal by tomorrow evening at the latest.

As he walked down the streets, he saw people stare at his form with fear. He couldn't blame them. Especially with how his body could melt anything upon physical contact with it and his magma body. But all he wanted was for people to understand that this wouldn't last forever. But as people got closer to him, everyone started to run. He then stared at his own reflection, seeing the monster he now was. He slammed his fist onto a nearby car, terrifying more civilizations with the action, especially since the car not only smashed to bits, but also slowly melted from the lava. "No! Please! Don't go! I didn't mean to do that..... please....." he pleaded as everyone ran. This caused him to scream, causing parts of his rocky form to break apart and smash into buildings.

Civilians began to flee the scene, trying to get away from the danger. But then a web caught the debris, or something caught people in the way. Or rather, someone..... Spider-Man had made it just in time to get everyone to safety. "This isn't a meteor shower folks. Sorry but it's time to be sure you all stay away from the dangerous looking debris." He slightly joked to help people feel more relaxed and willing to listen. Thankfully everyone did as he said, getting as far away as possible while the unusual magma titan stomped around. This made Will swing his way towards his foe, intrigued by what he was seeing. "Parker, you're seeing this too right?" He asked as he stared at this unusual enemy.

Peter was watching the screen with no real reaction. So far what they had seen was beyond what he had ever experienced and this was no different. A newer villain compared to his usual rogues gallery. "I see it. Most likely another experiment done by Fisk. Keep your eyes open for anything that could happen." Peter replied to his protege's question.

Will soon landed on a lamppost, staring down at this unusual villain. "Shouldn't you be at a science museum telling kids the study of the Earth's core or something?" He joked, being sure to distract him from attacking anything else.

Core soon launched one of his rocks from his body upon the web slinging hero, which he dodged and webbed in midair to be sure it didn't harm anyone nearby. While the villain didn't want to hurt anyone else nearby, he still had a job to do. A job he was going to get done no matter what it took. "So there you are you web slinging pain in the ass! Just surrender yourself to me, and I won't harm you." He said trying to sound reassuring to his foe.

Will rolled his eyes under his mask, hearing what he had just demanded from him. "Oh I won't harm you says the hypocrite that immediately threw magna covered rocks at me!" He groaned out sarcastically. He soon dashed toward his foe and fired some webs at a nearby mailbox and tossed it toward the magma themed villain and temporarily stunned him. At least enough to be able to come up with a plan.

Peter typed in his computer to try and get any information he could get from anywhere. Until then, he had to try and help Will a little bit somehow. Even if it was with something small. "Will, your gloves should be able to handle the lava. Your suit is very durable to heat and fire, just try to be careful you don't get exposed to too much at a time!" Peter explained to Will to hopefully help him with some information.

Thankfully, this was helpful information for the curly haired boy. Just enough for him to attempt to get close enough to attack his titanic for. Firing off some impact webs, the hero attempted to temporarily blind him to land punches as hard as he could. The webs wouldn't last long over his opponent's eyes, but it was enough for Will to land several solid attacks against his rock hard face. For Will, this was like fighting Terrainia all over again. Only difference so far was his magma instead of just normal rocks. So for him, he knew to not hold back. Thankfully the pads on his fists definitely were able to take the heat. Especially since he knew this fight was going to take everything he had. "Ya know, for a guy not wanting to harm anyone, you appear very ready to harm me!" He quipped as he kicked the larger foe away and landed on the streets. He had to be sure to keep his distance for a short period.

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