A Suspicious Cold On A Warm Spring Day!

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Several hours before Criosis began to freeze New York, Will was spending some time with Gwen, taking a walk to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. The two had planned this for several weeks, when Will would have some free time. Because of the hard work he has been putting in, Peter gave him the time to spend with his obvious crush. While he was embarrassed by what he had said, Will didn't deny it, he only thanked his mentor and called Gwen to let her know he was available. It was a rare opportunity for him to be able to relax since he started out being Spider-Man, so he didn't want to waste it. If New York truly needed him, he'd get in his suit and do what he had to in order to help the city, but for now, he was just going to enjoy the moment. "I'm really glad you were free today. I've..... really wanted to spend some time with you. But-"

"It's alright. You don't have to explain yourself Will." Gwen interrupted as she smiled sweetly at him. "I know you're doing your best to help your mom with bills since she doesn't make a lot of money, but I'm really honored you're taking the time to just .....spend some time with me." She admitted with a bluish faintly on her cheeks.

Will couldn't help but feel a little happier hearing her be so understanding about his busy schedule. Especially ever since her and her mom started talking a little more often. She was definitely showing that she was much happier than she was before. Not to say she was never happy to begin with, but she was definitely even happier than before. "Well...of course I want to take time to spend with you. We always have a good time when it's just us. Plus ...I like getting to know more about you as a whole." He admitted to her with confidence. Though if he was being honest, he was exuding a lot of false confidence. He wasn't sure he would be able to say what he wanted to without stammering too much. Thankfully, he was able to say exactly what he meant to say.

Gwen looked away from him for a few seconds, hiding her blush ever so slightly. When she got control of herself, she looked at him again with a smile. "I wanna thank you again. You brought my mom and I a little closer again. If not for you, I probably would've said something horrible to her that I'd regret for the rest of my life." She said with gratitude toward the curly haired boy.  Because of him, she felt like she was a little closer to her mom, which is wonderful. After years of not being able to talk to her much, she was finally able to do so, and because of it, they'd be able to do more together. Of course, she'd be busy with some other responsibilities she'd have, but Gwen was definitely understanding about why that is, and was able to handle it in a more mature way. The way that made their relationship stronger than ever in the past.

Will smiled rather awkwardly when given appreciation for that. If anything, for him, this was a simple kind gesture. But he could see why this was important to her. "Well......I wouldn't want you to have to have gone through what I did with.....dad and all. You and your mom need each other in a lot of ways. Especially when she's super busy with her own job." He said while trying to sound humble.

Gwen smiled as soon as she saw the botanical gardens, seeing the beautiful scenery in front of them, and it was just the front of the building so far! It was obvious that they took care of the plant life here with how green everything was. "I've been wanting to come here for some time.....to see the beauty of plant life....." She admitted to him shyly.

Will smirked slightly, slightly knowing something she had in mind. "You also wanted to study the plants they had here didn't you?" He lightly teased her. But he had a feeling that she wanted to do some scientific research on them as well. After all, she is the smartest person in the school, and it truly showed. Of course she'd want to study the plants.

The strawberry blonde girl lightly giggled at his question, knowing she had been caught. But of course he'd know. He was a smart boy, who knew how to adapt to the situations and environments he was in. But she didn't mind that he knew. It just showed how much he paid attention to her interests. It showed just how much he cared. After he had made his guess, she showed him a notebook and pen, signifying him that he was correct. "You caught me." She admitted to him without hesitation or blushing. "Honestly, aside from how beautiful everything looks, I want to observe specific patterns, and learn how things grow. Maybe this way, the world will be even better......more at peace and potentially give us more food sources. I want to see how much help they can be." She told him honestly.

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