Chapter 2

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At last, I survived both Calculus and General Sciences class.

From the laboratory, I headed down the staircase hallway after hallway, I never knew Ruruteru Private University was this massive!

Does everyone ever get tired walking around the hallways? Even the laboratory had a lot of vacant space, might as well be sleeping quarters for some top-notch students currently holding a scholarship or something.

It's too spacious that I easily get tired because of how spacious the tables were. It's fun imagining the table being full of stuff, but the laboratory? They're absolute tanks; the tables there never get full and messed up unless you invite the entire class to fill the entire table's area with stuff.

But enough talk about space, it's past one p.m. after surviving those two horrendous classes (yes, you can schedule your week in this uni where twelve p.m. wouldn't be your lunchtime). While on my way to the uni's entrance, I happened to see Ala-chan in the distance exiting from one of the classrooms, talking with two girls.

We made eye contact, I waved. She stared back with big eyes and a smile, and seemed to hurriedly talk to the girls looking back and forth between each, like in a hurry or something.

"Girls, I gotta be on my way now, chupchadoo~!"

She bid them farewell, and sprinted to my direction, seemingly holding a few books still.

"Hey, is that her boyfriend or something?"

"Not a hunch, she did say she's not in the mood to find someone," the other girl replied. They both shrugged it off and went to the cafeteria.

Ala-chan stopped in front of me, surely panting from the weight she's currently carrying on her books.

"Heyyo, Akkochii~!" She waved once again with that panting


"You heading home already? Wanna stuff up at the cafeteria?"

"Nah, I'm already heading home now." I walked past behind her, but I was halted by a grab of my arm.

"Hey, don't brush me off like that, let's go home together!" Ala-chan sulked with such a pouty face.

And so, we decided to walk home together. Not much people have the same schedule as I have in uni, so that's why it doesn't seem like of a rush hour in the streets—

"Hold up, why are YOU going home at this hour?" We halted at a busy railroad crossing.

"Huh, oh I forgot." She covered her mouth, "I do have the same schedule as you have on Mondays!"

"Huh." Well I never knew or expected even one bit that someone's going to like my schedule, like it's torture for the masses, but this woman sure likes my definition of torture as well. Ah don't worry about me, Monday is actually the only torture day I had on sched', the rest of the week is what others can finely say a normal and productive schedule.

Come to think of it, I did say I'm coming to her hangout at the square tomorrow.

"Uh Ala-chan, who's going to come at the hangout tomorrow—like who are they?"

"Oh, hold on." She grabbed and tinkered with her phone while we walked, and showed her a photo of them three hanging out at a fast food chain. "Here's me, Miko, and Tomo!"

"Hmm, were they with you when we met in the hallway earlier? I can't seem to get a good look at the girls behind you..."

"Ah nah, they're not them."

Ah, I thought it's a big group, it just happens to be us four tomorrow. She continuously skimmed through their pictures together, mostly of them eating. From festivals, to the renowned square with lots of food stalls, to food trucks.

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