Chapter 10

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Love makes the world go 'round

That one fateful night, exhausting yet thrilling.

Right when I got home to my apartment that night, insomnia got the best of me—well the insomnia that's not caused by any means clinically.

It's an emotional cause.

What in the world was that? I mumbled on my futon.

Converting my asocial deeds is an unexpected turn, but someone confessing their love to me? That's an unexpected planetary collision!

"That seems too good to be true."

Let's review Akko, otherwise known as Akkochii, or more recently, Akko-tan.

My height is average at around 150... 155-ish centimeters? My weight is average at around 49 kilograms. My social and people skills are way below average (I used Ala-chan as a benchmark). My wardrobe is far from fashionable since I prefer living life as simple as possible. Almost everyone that I know never saw me in the light of day. I have no significant likes or dislikes in any field imaginable from various people to TV series—oh wait, I hate society.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Or maybe I'm just overthinking about an ideal man in society?

Imagine people empowering public ideals where men should have or be like this, the same goes for women. I think that's messed up—that's like hosting a MasterChef episode where it's a bakery for one day, yet the judges compared the cake by its frosting instead of the rest of the cake; they didn't dare make more effort into judging, increasing the chances of missing out on a hidden gem.

. . . .

Today's March fourteenth, an entire month after that.

White Day.

A sister celebration to Valentine's Day where you reciprocate the one who gave to you last Valentine's Day.

I waited at the train station in the Shopping Complex early in the morning—just minutes before six o'clock hit.

Never having seen this part of Ruruteru early in the morning, the people who usually unload at this hour are mostly young adults—be it a student or a domestic worker, or a worker coming from other wards.


Waiting in front of the turnstiles, I hear a familiar rhythm of footsteps.

A figure sporting fluffy gray hair with fluffy twintails tied with lilac clips, wearing a dark gray blazer with a white inner paired with a scarlet skirt.

"Yo, Tomo," I waved.

She rushed towards this direction and without a doubt, grasped onto my hand as we walked our way towards uni.

If you can recall the Tomo happy-unhappy ratio that's been 99% and 1% respectively, it has grown to 99.9% happy and 0.01% unhappy. Questioning why I didn't just squish the remaining unhappy ratio is because everything of this is too good to be true.

There has to be a twist right?

"Hold on Tomo, how are we going to get to uni without encountering Ala together?"

"Oooh.. simple, we take the other route around!"

I'd normally take the route where it always has been for the past month passing by Autumn St., which facing the opposite of the City Square would take a turn to the left. This time, Tomo and I took a turn to the right.

At first, I was hell worried if there's a chance we'll get lost around Ruruteru despite having maps navigation on our phones (another way of me saying I haven't really used it yet, so I have no clue if it works reliably or not). However, the grip Tomo has on my hand persisted as her confidence never fell even a beat.

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