Chapter 7

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6:30 PM

It was the night of February ninth, Wednesday.

And it just so happens that this is a mere coincidence of Aka wanting to talk to me, and I have things to talk about to her. Finally, a win-win situation.

With the detective getup of Aka and my casual wear which looks out of place, she did me a favor to come to her room at this hour after telling me downstairs that I've got mail.

But the design of her room is even more out of place considering what Aka is wearing right now: A heavily Japanese-designed room with its owner wearing Western clothing. Nevertheless, it's unique and beautiful on its own.

Her room very much resembles Tomo's room back in Merumeru; the same yellow mats with black grids—or actually, Aka oriented me that they're called tatami mats, woops. The walls are more on to a yellowish tone with black frames supporting the entire room. Finally, the room is divided into two, with a sliding door in the middle. So half of it is where her bedroom and bathroom is, then the half we're currently in now acts as her kitchen, dining room, and living room.

And wouldn't it be a Japanese-style room without a shrine in front, a rack of katanas, another rack of Japanese clothing—from various jinbei to hakama (the robes kind of clothing), a bookshelf that mostly contains Japanese culture and religious books, the living room having a very short coffee table instead of a coffee table with sofas (yeah you sit in the floor by this short coffee table). I can finely say that the kitchen-dining room combo can easily fit in a plethora of other room designs.

We situated ourselves at the dining table, consisting of four chairs as opposed to two back in my room.

"Ah, I forgot that this is probably your first time in my room."

"Sheesh." I kept glancing around while sitting. "For an apartment room, it's a remarkable feat of interior design."

"Well kid, this also used to be a bare room like yours, so you can thank me for the beauty you're seeing 'cause I designed everything." she pointed a finger to herself.

That's a flex, but she isn't kidding.

"Anyway Aka, what's with you holding the mail, am I supposed to—"

I was immediately shushed by Aka's finger. Moreover, it's like how ninjas do a pose in front of their mouths every time.

"Boy, before we commence an intensive task, it's better to fill your stomach first." she interrupted with an accent and English resembling that of a native Japanese trying to console me.

I simply nodded on the notion...

. . . .

She placed a small yet somewhat tall bowl and a pair of chopsticks in front of me—well shoot, I don't know how to use chopsticks. After that, Aka made herself busy in the kitchen counters beside me as she made dinner and cooked rice for the both of us.

From the contagious and sweet aroma of the steam, I wonder what's going to be at stake for today because I barely get a chance to eat Japanese cuisine nowadays.

"So kid," Aka conversed amidst the sizzling noises of the pan. "How's the outside world? You've been going out a lot lately."

"Auntie, I thought you told me to save the conversation for later."

"First, I take that back unsaid. Second, don't call me auntie, jeez... now wouldn't you mind telling me how's your day?"

"Really outgoing, but I still don't like mingling with people that much. I got myself to eat with Tomo and Miko at Merumeru earlier, then I hung out at Tomo's house for the rest of the afternoon."

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