Chapter 11

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"Wow, so this is what the Terra region looks like?"

"Gosh darn you Akkin! At least wait for me until my game's done updating, my internet's such a dagnabbit!"

I'm not in Tomo's house right this very afternoon, we were actually having a voice chat with each other through our computers.

Have I lied or still have it unsaid? Anyway, it's not that often for me to visit Tomo's house. For one, it's really far away despite the convenience of bullet trains—you still have to walk a kilometer or two to get there, double that on the way back. Second, my train card is really running low on balance, like it's good for two or three trips depending on the stop because I manage my money too well.

Third, I'm lazy.

Anyway, we have ourselves occupied the afternoon witnessing a big update of HeroTom. It's usually a boom when they're going to introduce a new region rather than minor updates with just new events. As I said, it is the new Terra region.

Oh, and with a new region comes new characters down the lottery hole.

"Gah! It's still at fifty percent downloaded, come on—let me in already! I want my Rocheux! You're such a cheater Akkin!"

"Uh, you can wait—I mean the update's just getting started. You have a whole month to get her. By the way, are you building a colossal army of physical ranged characters?"

I forgot to mention, I have acquired another nickname of some sorts, Akkin. Tomo is irky about our labels they call them—yeah I have no idea what's going on with people nowadays. Tomo insisted on calling me Akkin, saying that it's cute and has a Japanese vibe to it. While I have absolutely no idea what's her label for me, we ultimately agreed on me calling her Dachi (fun fact, Tomo is derived from tomodachi meaning friend).

While it's frequent for her to call me Akkin except when Ala-chan and Miko are around (probably just too shy to expose our relationship?), it's rare for me to call her Dachi. It doesn't sound like a derived name to me—it's totally spelt differently.

"By the way Tomo, have you done your assignments and what not in school? Just sayin' since HeroTom's going to be a huge haul..."

"Hah, what are you a middle-schooler?" Tomo chuckled for a moment, "Ehe... sorry... um, I finished them all earlier, no worries Akkin~"

"Right... tell me when you have stuff to do or some meetings for your research or what.. spring break's around the corner—deadlines are around the corner."

"... Okie." She replied somewhat lowly. "W-wait, I keep you calling Akkin, but you never call me Dachi!"

"Yeah—I'm weirdened out by the fact that it sounds totally different from your name."

"Awwie... come on Akkin~" She said with a persuading tone. Heck I'd imagine her eyes are pleading in front of the monitor now.

Part of me thinks that a succubus is hypnotizing me.

Didn't know Tomo was this manipulative.

I sighed. "What do you mean, Dachi?"

"IIIIEEEEE!!!" Screamed the heck out of Tomo, it was more than just butterflies in her stomach—more like a bajillion sardines flapping in harmony.


"Whaaa-did I hear Akkin giddy up? Oh wow! That's a rare occurrence, Yatta!" I did it, she said, brightfully exclaiming of her. "Oh wait, my game's finally done updating, let's play together Akkin!"

"Uh-huh, Dachi."

Or did we? Tomo actually had to do some prerequisites before even having a chance for me to join her world. She decided to share her screen on the call for me to watch—of course that meant I can't play at the same time, so it's like I'm a co-host of a content creator's Let's Play series. Yeah, I have to settle for the new update's storyline all over again.

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