Chapter 12

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Every decision we make, emotion is at stake.

My memory now jumps to the nineteenth of March, Saturday.

Today's the date.

I slowly sat up from my futon, letting out a huge yawn feeling like my lips would rip open and extend to my cheeks.

Huff puff.

Then I stood up from the futon and actually went the extra mile to actually fold it neatly and stash it exquisitely in the closet just beside me.

Lousily and whineily walking to the kitchen part of my room, I slowly grasped for my cellphone which was on my pocket.

"Five thirty..." I mumbled.

I'm kind of used to waking up so early or what would you call an early riser or an early bird, and I'm a day person for one. What surprises me is that I haven't even set an alarm just to wake up this early-look even the sun isn't even out yet!

After checking the time, I noticed there was an unread on my inbox, read:

I forgot Akkin, we'll be meeting each other at the train station at 11.

It came from Tomo, which was sent two hours ago.

"She sure is a night owl."

Between the both of us, it just doesn't stop at how black and white our chemistry is, but rather the gap of our circadian rhythms. I'm pretty sure she was playing HeroTom the entire midnight while I was in my slumber.

I guess that explains her fast pace at the game.

Opposites attract huh?

If it's around five thirty right now then our scheduled meetup is at eleven, I have a whopping six hours to kill time. What worries me however is how do I spend the remaining six hours because I'm pretty much an inactive person who has a sheer lack of activities and hobbies to spare. It is to the point that I seriously need to decide what to do on a typical day rather than be carefree about it and freely watch some TV or something.

"Okay, I need to cook some rice."

I grabbed the container for the rice cooker that was placed on the drying rack just beside the sink, pouring in like two cups from the rice sack that I dropped off between the refrigerator and the front door (yeah I know I'm lazy to pour the whole sack into a container of some sorts), washing the rice with water in the sink twice, pouring in two plus a cup of water, setting it on the rice cooker then finally flipping the lever.

Ladies and gentlemen, that's how you cook rice.

I wiped my forehead like I had some serious elbow grease. Yeah I know, even a basic task is already a kilowatt utility.

The next thing I knew was that I decided to walk outside and of course, lock the door. I usually take a bath first thing in the morning, but today's an exception. Not sure, I feel vigorous by the clock.

Glancing around here at the second floor, there's barely any people around here-maybe one or two walking, jogging, or biking around. The thing is, this apartment is located on a mini complex of businesses and small shops, so all of the buildings in my vicinity have a shut door.

After some streetgazing, I walked to my right then knocked at the door beside mine.

The door opened after some audible footsteps, revealing a figure in her messy pajamas and red long hair that has some of the worst bedheads and curls, maybe beating Ala-chan by a shot.

"O-oh..." they yawned upon establishing eye contact with me, "Why it's you kid, good morning."

"Yo. Morning Aka."

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