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As Jade changed into her pajamas, she realized that this was the first time she had truly been alone with Bucky. Sure the two of them had hung out before, but never at Bucky's place and never overnight. She wasn't scared to be alone with him, but for some reason nervousness was washing over her. Could be the fact that you're in love with him. Jade shook the thought from her head. Now isn't the time for that. He's just your friend, don't mistake his kindness for love. She told herself

After taking her time getting ready for bed, she exited the bathroom and found Bucky sitting on his couch waiting for her. When he saw her, a smile stretched across his face. Her dark auburn hair fell in waves just past her shoulders. Her face was free of any makeup and her porcelain skin looked as soft as silk. She had never looked more beautiful to him as she did at that moment.

This was the Jade he loved to see. The relaxed, stripped down version. She was completely unaware of her beauty. Seeing her like that in his apartment made his breath catch. She crossed the room and sat next to him, then drew her knees into her chest and leaned back against the cushions. This reminded him of the first time he had joined Steve and Jade in one of their movie nights.


Bucky was sitting in Steve's living room while Steve was making popcorn in the kitchen when Jade came rushing into the apartment.

"I'm so sorry I'm late! Tony kept me late to help with one of his suits and then I ran home to change." Jade plopped down on the couch next to Bucky while trying to maintain some distance and tucked her knees into her chest.

Her legs were clad in black leggings and a tank top clung to her torso. Bucky chanced a glance at her face, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Her hair was thrown in a bun and she had removed the makeup she wore earlier in the day.

"What are we watching?" She turned to Bucky and asked.

"Um, Steve said this one is called Armageddon."

"Yes! I've been telling him to watch this one for months. I'm glad he finally listened. It's so good! I've seen it about a million times."

Bucky smiled at her excitement. Suddenly the anxiety he had felt before walking into Steve's apartment vanished. He still hadn't figured out what it was about Jade that made his soul feel at peace. He spent most of his nights thinking about her. Nights were hardest for him. It was quiet and allotted him too much time to think. There were periods where he wouldn't sleep for days, but then he would think about Jade. Just imagining her smiling face helped calm the voices racing through his head.

"You wouldn't stop talking about the movie until I watched it." Steve said, poking his head around the corner of the kitchen. "You want a beer?"

"God, yes!" Jade sighed exasperatedly. She placed her feet softly on the floor and began to stand.

"I–I can get it for you, just relax." Bucky stood quickly and looked down at Jade.

"Thanks, Bucky." Jade gave him a warm smile as she leaned back on the couch and covered her legs with the blanket Steve had laid over the cushions behind her.

Bucky blushed and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed two beers and popped the tops off before returning to the living room and sitting next to Jade, this time a bit closer than before. When he handed her the bottle, her fingertips brushed his hand and he felt a spark run up his arm. He watched her touch the bottle top to her lips and take a long sip. He had never been so jealous of an inanimate object before.

"Mmmm, I needed this." Jade moaned, her gaze darted to Bucky, who was already looking at her, and she grinned at him. "Just to prepare you, I always cry at the end of this movie. If you hear sniffling, just ignore it."

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