The First Time

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The next morning, Jade was gone when Bucky emerged from his room. He found a note on the kitchen counter saying she had taken a taxi to the compound and that she would see him later. Bucky quickly grabbed his gear and shoved it into his backpack before heading to the compound to find Jade.

When he walked into the compound he headed straight to the medical wing. He was determined to talk to Jade about last night. He listened for her to come out of the bathroom, acutely aware that she would do everything she could to avoid him, but all he heard was silence as he reluctantly drifted off to sleep. His nightmare was replaced by images of Jade sitting on his lap. He felt her fingers in his hair and saw the look on her face as he trailed his hands down her body. He heard that sound she made as his lips traced a path from her shoulder up her neck. They were going to talk even if he had to lock her in a room with him.

As he entered the medical wing he began searching each room for Jade. When he reached the last room, he saw Bruce sitting at a desk with files spread out in front of him. He cleared his throat and waited for Bruce to look up.

"Hey, Bucky. Can I help you with something?" Bruce asked.

"I was just looking for Jade. Any idea where she is?"

"I think she went to grab coffee with Nat and Wanda. She wanted to talk to them about something. She seemed a little off this morning, so I figure they'll be gone for a while."

"Okay. Thanks anyway, Bruce." Bucky gave him a tight smile and then turned to make his way to the training room.

One he was changed, he headed to the punching bag and began landing punch after punch on the beaten up bag. As his mind drifted, he thought about the first day he met Jade. The day he found the woman who would become his whole world.


Steve had just brought him to the compound after rescuing him from Hydra. He walked into the Avengers headquarters with his guard up. He had spent the last seventy years being repeatedly brainwashed, tortured and frozen until he was needed again. Trusting people he didn't know wasn't going to come easy to him. Steve introduced him to the team and then showed him around the compound.

They had spoken about possibly running some tests and keeping him isolated in the medical wing to make sure Hydra hadn't caused any long term damage. Bucky knew it was only precautionary, but it didn't ease his anxiety. He had been poked and prodded enough to last him a lifetime, but he saw the concern in Steve's eyes, so he agreed. As they reached the medical wing, he saw a woman walking around one of the rooms adjusting some of the equipment.

Her hair was pulled into a messy knot on the top of her head with tendrils hanging delicately around her face. Her jeans and t-shirt clung to her curves as she moved effortlessly around the bulky equipment. She was the most attractive woman Bucky had ever seen.

Steve walked into the room and waited for Bucky to join him. The woman had her back to them and was bent over underneath a monitor plugging in a cable. Steve cleared his throat, scaring her in the process. She popped up, banging her head on the bottom of the monitor and gasping in pain. She quickly turned to face Steve and Bucky while grabbing the back of her head and growled out in pain.

"Ow! What the fuck, Rogers?"

Steve chuckled.

"Sorry, Jade. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Well, mission failed, asshole."

"I wanted to introduce you to someone. Jade O'Hara, meet my best friend, Bucky Barnes."

Jade paused and looked over at Bucky. His body tensed under the gaze of her beautiful blue eyes. She stepped closer to the pair which instinctively made Bucky take a step back. Jade stopped and gave him a small smile.

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