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Bucky and Jade stood outside watching the meteor shower and spending a few moments basking in their post-engagement high. Jade's back was pressed to Bucky's chest and his arms were wrapped around her waist. Every couple minutes, Bucky would press a kiss to her hair or whisper sweet nothings in her ear.

"Let's go inside, sugar. The team is waiting to hear your answer. I can't wait to tell them the news."

"They all knew?" Jade asked.

"Of course, who do you think helped me set this all up and distract you most of the day?" He said with a chuckle.

Suddenly it made sense why Bucky had been spending more time with Steve and Sam and why the girls had pushed her out of the compound so hastily, keeping her out until late in the afternoon. Bucky grabbed Jade's hand and began walking her inside. He tucked her present into his pocket as they entered the compound. The party had thinned out considerably since the pair had been outside. Only the avengers remained. Bucky and Jade walked towards the team.

"Well?" Sam asked.

Bucky and Jade looked at each other and Jade raised her left hand.

"I said yes!"

Natasha and Wanda came barreling at her. They pulled her into a group hug and then proceeded to gush over how beautiful her ring was. The men came to shake Bucky's hand and then hug Jade. When the congratulations died down, Bucky took Jade's hand again and cleared his throat.

"We have something else to tell you."

All eyes focused on the couple as Bucky pulled the thin white fabric from his pocket. He tossed it at Steve who read the text aloud.

"Can't wait to meet you daddy." Steve's head shot up and his gaze flickered between the two.

"I'm pregnant." Jade announced.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" Bucky yelled. A grin once again spread across his face.

Wanda's squeal pierced the silence that had swept over the team while Nat looked at her in pleasant surprise. Both women pulled Jade back into their arms and congratulated her again. The men took turns hugging Bucky and Jade.

"How far along are you?" Wanda asked.

"Six weeks. I found out yesterday afternoon."

"Is that why you tried avoiding all last night and this morning?" Bucky looked at her slyly.

"Guilty." Jade nodded with a smile.

"If it's a boy, you're gonna name him Tony, right?" Tony grinned at Jade.

"Absolutely not." Bucky interjected.

"Thor is a much better name. Who better to name your little one after than the strongest Avenger?" Thor countered.

"First of all, if we were to name this baby after the strongest Avenger, it would be named Jade." She shot Thor a wink. "Second of all, I'm still processing the fact that I have a person growing inside of me. Names are the last thing I'm thinking about right now."

Jade rubbed her hand over her stomach completely in awe that there was a tiny piece of Bucky and herself currently growing inside of her. They were getting married. They were going to be parents. Her happily ever after was finally coming to fruition.

"Tony, it's been a great party as usual, but I'm beat so I'm calling it a night." Jade looked over at Bucky. "You can stay if you want. Hang out with Steve and Sam. I just really want to get out of this dress and these heels."

"Not a chance." Bucky paused to lean into her ear. "I'd rather give you a hand getting out of the dress. As good as it looks on you, it'll look better on the floor."

Bound To You (Bucky Barnes X OC)Where stories live. Discover now