Labs and Elevators

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Jade spent most of her weekend locked away in Tony's lab trying to help him find out how Hydra had gotten around his system. She was able to figure it out pretty quickly, but tracing the person who had hacked in was a completely different story. The IP address was bouncing around so many different proxies that Jade was having a hard time figuring out where that trail ended. She finally got to the end of the chain late Saturday night. The trail ended in Brisbane, Australia but that wasn't a guarantee that the person who hacked the system was actually there.

Jade talked it over with Tony and they both agreed, loosely, that this was a matter of national security. Jade sat back down at the computer and began working her way into the street cameras, the webcam on the computer, and any other cameras she could get access to in order to see if they could get a glimpse at the person who had disabled FRIDAY. Tony compiled facial recognition for anyone who entered or exited the small Internet cafe. To both of their dismay, it was a dead lead. Whoever had used that computer had somehow accessed it remotely.

It was early Sunday morning when Jade finally crashed on the floor of Tony's lab. She woke up to someone shaking her. She threw her hand back and felt her palm connect with skin.

"Fuck!" Bucky grumbled, before he resumed trying to wake her. "Jade, baby. You need to wake up."

"Don't wanna." She mumbled.

Her body was exhausted from spending the last twenty hours sitting in a desk chair staring at a computer screen. She didn't give a shit that she was laying on a cold tile floor, she just wanted to sleep. Sure, her back may be killing her when she got up and she may have a raging kink in her neck, but the sweet feeling of sleep was too good to pass up at the moment.

Bucky reached down and picked her up in his arms. The weightless feeling shocked her awake and she jumped in his arms. She narrowed her eyes at him, upset that he had woken her. He smirked down at her pissed off expression.

"You'll thank me later, doll."

"Doubtful. Where are you taking me?"

"To bed. You've been in here since yesterday morning. You need rest."

"I'm awake now, I'm good."

"Nope. You're going to bed and getting some actual sleep."

"He's right, doc. You need sleep. I'll keep digging and let you know if I find anything." Tony said.

Bucky nodded at Tony and then walked out of the lab.

"But I don't want to sleep now, Bucky." Jade whined.

"Doll, you have to take care of yourself. You're going to feel like shit if you don't. You're going to bed and that's final." Bucky said as he walked into the elevator.

"When did you get so fucking bossy?"

"Quit pouting or I'll show you how bossy I can be." He whispered into her ear.

"Well, now I'm definitely not going to stop." Jade teased back.

She ran her hand up his chest and fisted it into the long strands at the base of his head. She attached her lips to the side of his neck and sucked hard. She pulled back and admired the red mark she had left on his skin.

"Jade, you need sleep." Bucky breathed out.

"No, I need your cock." She whispered against his skin.

She kissed his neck and moved slowly up to his lips. Bucky wrapped his arm around her waist and set her feet on the ground, then spun her until her back was against the wall. He gripped her wrists and pinned them over her head with his metal hand. He released her lips and ran his hand down her side, grazing from her breast down to her hip.

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