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Bucky walked into the training room on Monday looking for Sam. They were supposed to go for a jog, but Sam was running late. Bucky had been throughout the whole compound, but still hadn't been able to find him. The training room was his last option. When he entered he saw Sam standing next to the sparring mats talking to Steve. Bucky's fists automatically clenched as he remembered what Steve had done. Bucky stood there staring at the two men trying to calm himself. He took slow steady breaths as he walked up to them.

I cannot hit my best friend. I cannot hit my best friend.

"Hey, Buck. Sorry I'm running behind. Had to talk to Steve about some Hydra stuff I found on my last mission." Sam said.

Bucky's anger was forgotten as soon as Sam spoke. They hadn't had any new signs of Hydra activity since the bombing and it was driving him crazy.

"What did you find?" Bucky folded his arms across his chest and focused on Sam.

"You were right, man. They're recruiting and they're gaining traction faster than we thought. We still don't have any leads on whereabouts, but they're getting sloppier. Leaving more information behind each time they clear out. I think we got 'em on the ropes."

"I don't know. It could be a trap. They're either being grossly negligent or it's part of some stupid plan and they're giving us the information they want us to have." Bucky shook his head, his stare going blank as he thought. "Either way, we need more."

"We'll find what we need, it's just going to take some time." Sam reassured him.

"Sam's right." Steve finally spoke. Bucky felt his friend squeeze his shoulder and his body tensed. "Everything is gonna be fine, Buck."

Bucky had almost forgot that Steve was standing there. Jade had made him promise that he wouldn't say anything to Steve about what had happened during their lunch on Friday. Bucky swore that he wouldn't confront him, but now that Steve was standing in front of him, he was finding it hard to hold his tongue.

"Yeah, it is." Bucky said with gritted teeth and pulled his shoulder from Steve's grip and looked at Sam. "Ready for that run now?"

"Uh, you two good?" Sam looked between the two men with his eyebrows raised.

"Perfect. Let's go." Bucky gritted out.

Sam glanced over at Steve who shrugged his shoulders.

"Give us a minute Sam?" Steve asked.

Bucky scoffed when Sam nodded his head and left the training room.

"What the hell is your problem lately?" Steve asked with a scowl.

"You are my problem." Bucky hissed. "You and your goddamn persistence!"

"Bucky, I don't know what you're talking about!" Steve yelled.

"Jade! That's what I'm talking about, Steve. She keeps rejecting you and you just keep pushing."

"Wait, she told you?" Steve's eyes widened.

"Of course she did. She tells me everything."

"Look, I know you two have become close, but that doesn't mean you need to know everything about mine and Jade's relationship. You're just her friend, so I'd appreciate–"

"Boyfriend." Bucky stated bluntly.

Steve froze as Bucky spoke.

"What?" Steve murmured.

"I'm not just her friend Steve. We're dating. Have been for a few weeks now."

"You're him? The guy she's in love with?"

"Afraid so and I'd appreciate it if you'd leave my girl alone." Bucky's eyes flashed as the image of Steve's lips on Jade's ran through his head for the millionth time.

Steve shook his head and laughed incredulously. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Bucky and Jade. Together. He felt the moment his heart shattered, falling to a million little pieces on the ground. The moment he realized his best friend had the one thing he had coveted for the last four years. Something in him snapped and he couldn't stop the words that left his mouth.

"So, you get her alone and then swoop in and make your move, huh?"

"It wasn't like that, Steve. You don't choose who you fall in love with. It just happens."

"Ya know what else is gonna happen, Buck? Jade is going to get hurt because of you. Hydra is out there planning their next move because they want you back and Jade is going to get caught in the crossfire. Is that what you really want? You aren't good for her, Bucky. You can't give her the life she deserves!" Steve yelled at Bucky.

"And you can?"

"More so than you! You still have issues from your time with Hydra, Bucky. You really want to heap all that on her?"

Bucky jerked back as if he'd been slapped. Steve's words hit him like a freight train. He couldn't believe that his best friend thought so little of him. He knew Jade could get hurt because of his past. He knew he still had trauma that could affect their relationship. They had talked in depth about it, he had given her chance after chance to reconsider, but she refused to give up on him.

"I love her and she loves me. That's not going to change. You either accept it or stay the hell out of our lives."

"Unbelievable. You're really going to subject her to all your shit? Tell me something, have you fucked her yet?"

Steve's nostrils flared thinking about Jade in Bucky's bed. It made his stomach churn and he felt bile rise in his throat. Bucky stepped towards Steve until they were chest to chest.

"I fucking dare you to say that again." Bucky snarled.

"Have. You. Fucked. Her?" Steve seethed through clenched teeth.

Before he could stop himself, Bucky cocked his arm back and punched Steve square in the jaw. Steve fell to the ground, shock clear on his face. He watched as Bucky's chest rose and fell with heavy pants. Long strands of hair hung over his face and his fists were clenched by his sides. Steve was actually surprised that Bucky hadn't attacked him as soon as he was on the ground, but it looked like he was trying to restrain himself. Bucky squatted until he was eye level with Steve.

"Jade is mine. Leave her the fuck alone or I swear to God I won't stop next time. Don't talk to her. Don't touch her. Don't even look at her. If you can accept our relationship, great. If not, stay out of our way."

Bucky stood and looked at Steve for a moment more before leaving the training room. Steve cradled his head in his hands and cursed under his breath. How the hell was he supposed to accept the fact that the woman he was in love with, had fallen for his best friend?

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